Tender For repair and maint and overhauling of different capacity sewage pumping sets swimming pool filtration plant lt panels stater cables cleaning of sumps repair of pipe lines chlorination systems and allied works for 600 kld and 450 kld stp plants un
Tender For corrigendum : providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - industry unit; contract for maintenance of chlorination unit installed at various cooling tower areas at rcf thal; buyer
Tender For repairs/ maintenance of command swimming pool, chlorination plant at bph pipe line and fire fighting repair work at dockyard area under ge (utility-ii) visakhapatnam
Tender For repair and maint of various summer cooling appliances including repair and maint of water supply rising and distribution line, including all accessories and chlorination of water supply at mil stn nahan under ge chandigarh