Tender For corrigendum : supply of repair and replacement of parts of motor bike bajaj platina ba no 22a 076479mengine oil , oil filter , clutch assmebly , clutch cover packing , clutch cable , front brkashoe , rear brkashoe , rear wheel brearing , spark plugs , air filter , head light bulb , danger light bulb , speedometer varm set , speedometer cable , labour charges general service
Tender For corrigendum : supply of repair and replacement of parts of motor bike bajaj platina ba no 22a 076476aoil bajaj dts i 10w30 1 l bs6 , element oil filter , cable speedometer , plug spark for champion p rz9hc , foam filter air , shoe assembly brake with asbestos , spring , gasket clutch cover , clutch assembly , shoe brake with asbestos , labour charges for replacement of cable speedometer and spring , labour charges for replacement of gasket clutch cover , labour charges for replacement of break shoe , labour charges for valve lapping , labour charges for paid servicing , labour charges for battery charging , labour charges for chain cleaning and lubrication , labour charges for consumable charges , outsource job
Tender For supply of repair and replacement of parts of motor bike bajaj platina ba no 22a 076476aoil bajaj dts i 10w30 1 l bs6 , element oil filter , cable speedometer , plug spark for champion p rz9hc , foam filter air , shoe assembly brake with asbestos , spring , gasket clutch cover , clutch assembly , shoe brake with asbestos , labour charges for replacement of cable speedometer and spring , labour charges for replacement of gasket clutch cover , labour charges for replacement of break shoe , labour charges for valve lapping , labour charges for paid servicing , labour charges for battery charging , labour charges for chain cleaning and lubrication , labour charges for consumable charges , outsource job
Tender For supply of 2t tower r32 general service , 1.5t split r32 general service , window 1.5t r32 general service , 1.5t split r22 general service , 2t split r22 general service , window 1.5t r22 general service , 1.5 split r410a general service , split removal , split installation with misc fastener , 2t tower pcb replace , 1.5t split pcb replace , 2t split pcb replace , window 1.5t pcb replace , 1.5t to 2t r32 supply and fill , 1.5t to 2t r22 supply and fill , 1.5t to 2t r410a supply and fill , 1.5t to 2t cu pipe condenser outlet , 1.5t to 2t cu pipe condenser inlet , 1.5t to 2t condenser fan motor replace , 1.5t to 2t drain pipe , 1.5t capacitor , 2t capacitor , 2t tower air filter replace , 1.5t split air filter replace , 2t split air filter replace , window 1.5 air filter replace , 1.5t to 2t blower fan motor replace , 1.5t to 2t swing motor replace , 1.5t to 2t insulation pipe with foam , 1.5t to 2t 16amp cable , 1.5t to 2t 16amp plug , 1.5t to 2t mcb 16amp , 1.5t to 2t mcb 32amp , 1.5t to 2t thermostat sensor , split mount bracket and fastner , window mounting bracket and fastner , 2t tower inside unit coil leakage repair , 1.5t split inside unit coil leakage repair , 2t split inside unit coil leakage repair , window 1.5t inside unit coil leakage repair , 2t tower outside unit coil leakage repair , 1.5t split outside unit coil leakage repair , 2t split outside unit coil leakage repair , window 1.5t outside unit coil leakage repair , 2t tower valve assembly replace , 1.5t split valve assembly replace , 2t split valve assembly replace , window 1.5 valve assembly replace , defective remote control replace , supply and install new stabilzer 1.5t , supply and intall new stabilizer 2t
Tender For repair and maintenance of municipal submersible motor pump set, monoblock motor and air compressor motor with pump set at ward no.11 to 21 in vellakovil municipality
Tender For repair and maintenance of municipal submersible motor pump set, monoblock motor and air compressor motor with pump set at ward no.1 to 10 in vellakovil municipality