Tender For corrigendum : supply of camaboq - elesysy compatible with cobas e411 , vitamin b12cal setcompatible with cobas e411 , vitamin d3 elesysycompatible with cobas e411 , vitamin d3 elesysy cal setcompatible with cobas e411 , precontrol universalcompatible with cobas e411 , preci control veriacompatible with cobas e411 , clean cell compatible withcobas e411 , pro cell compatible with cobas e411 , assaywash compatible with cobas e411 , diluent universalcompatible with cobas e411 , blank cell compatible withcobas e411 , ise cleaning solution compatible with cobase411 , maintenance kit 6month compatible with cobas e411, maintenance kit 12month compatible with cobas e411 ,asysys cup compatible with cobus e411 , asysys tipcompatible with cobas e411 , anti a monoclonel , anti bmonoclonel , anti ab monoclonel , anti d igm monoclonel ,anti d igg igm monoclonel , anti coomsera ahg , bovinealbumin 22 percentage weight by vollume , hemocuemicrocuvette , micropipette tips 200 microliters ,micropipette tips 1000 microliters , edta vaccutainerpurple color , plain vaccutainer red color , steile lancetesblue color , btct glass capillary , tournicate size large ,wash bottle ldpe plastic 500 ml , rubber teat big size ,rubber teat small size , elisa fax thermal roll 57 mm 25metre , filter paper , insect fly killer tubelight 44 point 8 x 8point 8 x 7 point 3cm , vdrl shaker , portable blood centerrefrigerater for 30 blood bags , luggage carrier foldingtrolly , hot air oven 120 litre , glass thermometer forroom 76 mm 30 glass , domestic fridge , digital blood bagweighting scale , digital bp apparatus , blood bagcontainer for 30 blood bags , blood bag container for 15blood bags , blood bag container for 8 blood bags , bloodbag container for 4 blood bags , steel drum big size bag container for 4 blood bags , steel drum big size