Tender For corrigendum : swas - primary racks(with ibr certified isolation valves and ibr certified ss316h cooler coils)(isolation valve shall be with the plug & spindle should be single piece & of non-rotating type. the plug should be guided throughout its travel), wet panel - open type with canopy, dry panel, chiller unit - 2x100% redundant - min. 5 tr rating (with 25% extra capacity), conductivity(specific, cation) analyser - single channel, conductivity(specific) analyser for hotwell - single channel, ph transmitter- single channel, ph sensors, dissolved oxygen analyser transmitter- single channel, dissolved oxygen analyser sensor with electrolyte filling solution, sodium analyser (multi channel- 6 channel including spare channel), silica analyser (multi channel- 6 channel including spare channel), hydrazine analyser - single channel, degassed cation conductivity analyser, orp analyser transmitter - single channel, orp analyser sensor, free residual chlorine analyser - single channel, chloride analyser- single channel, loose supply items as per annexure-a, mandatory spares as per annexure- b, commissioning spares- reagents /calibrators/standard solutions as required for commissioning & handing over of system to owner, erection supervision and commissioning of swas at each 800 mw unit, price for one line of high pressure & high temp. - primary & secondary cooling to be considered along with other instruments as per p&id applicable for the project. (optional item for ordering), price for one line of low pressure & low temp. - secondary cooling to be considered along with other instruments as per p&id applicable for the project. (optional item for ordering), freight charges for complete scope of supply for each 800 mw unit upto respective project site
Tender For tender for supply of pac abg - ionized magnesium electrode sensor pack of 4 for phox ultra , k plus electrode sensor , ca plus plus electrode sensor for phox ultra , pco2 electrodes sensor 1 per pack for phox ultra , glucose electrode sensor , pco2 membrane pack of 3 phox ultra , po2 membrane pack of 6 for nova phox ultra abg machine , bun membrane pack of 3 for phox ultra , glucose membrane pack of 3 for phox ultra , lactate membrane pack of 3 for phox ultra , calibrator pack ultra 1 without creatinine 1 per pack for phox ultra , ultra abg gas atuo qc pack 1 per pack for phox ultra , ph na conditioning solution 1 per pack phox ultra , soaking polishing solution 20 amp per box for phox ultra , so2percent calibration ampolules 20 amp per box for phox ultra , deproteinizing solution abg ampouls 30 ampules per pack , cl electrode sensor 1 per pack , ultra chem 9 internal qc multipack with creatcatridge 1 per pack for phox ultra
Tender For tender for supply of list of fisheries equipments - balance digital portable , glucometer , usb digital microscope , balance digital capacity 10g to 20kh range , weighing balance , sedgewick rafter counting chambers , ultrasonic cleaner , single door minor refrigerator , turbidity meter , high speed homogenizer , electric air blower motor , digital turbidity or nephelo meter , niskin water sampler , air pump bubbler pond aerator , vortex shaker , glass top deep freezer , bulk density apparatus , digital cod digester , microwave oven , water pump , digital ph meter , digital magnetic stirrer hot plate , ion selective electrode water ammonia meter , bowl chopper , meat mincer , silent cutter , tray dryer or dehydrator with stainless steel trays , vaccum packaging machine , steamer , normal sealing machine , mixer grinder , fishing scaling machine or fish descaling machine , double door refrigerator , automatic weather station , dslr camera , digital cup anemometer , wind sock with stand , manual plastic rain gauge , infrared thermometer , secchi disk , portable air quality pollution detector , digital hygrometer thermometer with clock , van veen bottom grab sampler , stainless steel soil core sampler , sunshine recorder with card set , handheld echo-sounder , digital lux meter , pen type fluoride meter , digital ph meter pen types , mechanical shaker , fishing rod , o2 gas sensor , handheld gps , co2 gas sensor , electric water bath with shaker , flame photometer , microcentrifuge , digital heating dry bath , double distillation water unit , basic benchtop centrifuge , boiochar klin , stationary digital dissolved oxygen meter with multi do , serological water bath , rotary flash evaporator with vaccum pump , hot air oven , uv transilluminator , refrigerated centrifuge , digital weighing balance , semi automated biochemistry analyzer , fiber analyzer , compound microscope with camera , thermomixer , food colour analyzer , orbital shaking incubator