Tender For consultancy service for preparation of survey and preparation of ir and detail project report (dpr) for lorgara left main canal at ch 2.47 to 7.23 km
Tender For corrigendum : providing consultancy services for preparation of feasibility study report and detail project report for setting up of the integrated bamboo park in manipur
Tender For corrigendum : expression of interest (eoi) for empanelment of design consultancy servicefor preparation of feasibility study detail project report and procurementfor water supply & sewerage works at various locations in the city ofahmedabad on qcbs basis.
Tender For providing consultancy services for construction/ redesign of circles, parks, city entry gates, dividers including preparation of detail project report(dpr) preparation of project documents, survey,estimation,design drawing architectural drawing2d/3d
Tender For strengthening & up-gradation of electrical safety measures and improvements/augmentation of energyconservationmeasures at different locations and flooring at tracks beside dhmu shed 150mx9.7m at carriage workshop, lallaguda (electrical works).