Tender For selection of transactiion advisor for providing consultancy service for conducting techno-economic feasibility study, preperation of detailed project report, conducting eia study and obtaining statutory clearances for the proposed water aerodromes at..
Tender For corrigendum : consultancy services for construction supervision consultant csc for implementation of world bank funded assam disaster resilient hill area roads development project adrhardp in dima hasao district, assam
Tender For corrigendum : consultancy services for preparation of detailed project report for 4 lane with paved shoulder from km. 0.00 (chhapwa) to km. 25.00 (bettiah) of nh 727 for the year 2024_25 in the state of bihar.
Tender For consultancy services for preparation of detailed project report for upgradation of 2 lane with paved shoulder to 4 lane with paved shoulder from akaltara to rengalpali_odisha border _from km 151.450 to km 276.786 including bilaspur bypass total lengt
Tender For providing consultancy services to study techno economical feasibility and carry out detailed survey , planning, design and to prepare detailed project report to utilize 1maf water for khadir (bhachau) region (2nd try)
Tender For corrigendum : consultancy services for feasibility study and preparation of detailed project report, land acquisition and utility shifting for development of dharampur avdha road (sh) from ch.0/00 to 11/00, length 11.00 km for pre construction activity of four lanning work from 10.0 m, under r & b division, valsad, gujarat.
Tender For corrigendum : providing comprehensive project management consultancy pmc services for the rehabilitation of slum dwellers residing in kharag mangoli rajeev colony and indira colony at kharag mangoli sector 1a panchkula
Tender For providing consultancy services for project management and quality assurance for the work of construction of commercial building at sy. no. part of 19 & part of 20, konadasapura, bidarahalli hobli, bangalore.
Tender For design, project management consultancy (pmc) services and construction of mass manufacturing facility for em sbu at bel palasamudram (ap). (tenderer must be government organization only)
Tender For empanelment of consultants for preparation of detail project report as per norms architectural and engineering consultancy services aec services, and project management consultancy services pmc, including geotechnical investigation, surveying, preparation of master plan, drawings for all sanctioning, detailed estimates, structural designs and drawings, mechanical, electrical and plumbing mep services, supervision and quality assurance, contractors bill certifications for construction of multi storey building g, g plus including design and supervision of infrastructure works viz., roads, drains, water supply, underground drainage, and electrification etc., in different districts of karnataka state for other departments-boards-corporations projects undertaken by rghcl.