Tender For corrigendum : providing of custom bid for services - prepration of detailed feasibility report dfr quantitative risk assessment qra for 20 mmtpa refrigerated propanebutanelpg import storage and distribution facilities at kandla gujarat
Tender For supply of blockchain and audit verification and continuous assessment solutions for cybersecurity audits - distributed ledger technology solution , solutions for continuous and on demand cybersecurity posture assessment and audit quality verification , risk assessment and sbom api cloud iot security testing toolkit , setting up of sandbox environment for vapt for skill assessment tests , tool for comparing and pattern matching in files , data intelligence and visualization platform , compliance monitoring and management solution , large language model based generative pretraining transformer solution , statistics and data on emerging technologies cybersecurity trend and market intelligence , cloud hosting for web application in virtual machine , meeting and interactions cloud hosted solution , ai powered writing and grammar assistant solution , resident engineers category 1 , resident engineers category 2
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - conducting quantitative risk assessment ie qra study and hazard and operability study ie hazop study of phpl stations and associated facilities
Tender For construction of environmentalprotectionworks (crate boulder retaining wall, settling pit, garland drain) at khandbandh mines of barbil region in the district of keonjhar
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - annual rate contract for carrying out quantitative risk assessment qra for upcoming cng stations for khordha cuttack ga for two 02 years