Tender For comprehensive operation & maintenance of civil & electromechanical assets such as intake wells/structures or offtake structures, elevated service reservoirs (e.s.r), hglr, sump, water treatment plant, chemical house, staff quarters, pump house, all bulk transmission and distribution pipelines, valves, pumping machinery & electrical equipment etc. for jesingpura rwss, including supply of 4.77 mld potable water to all the 28 villages/ 00 towns for 12 months period. taluka: vyara, dolvan, district: tapi based on intake well at tapi river at kakrapar weir.
Tender For annual repair and maintenance of gpra, gprh qtrs & other central government housing complex kolkata, during 2024-25 sh: chemical treatment as per esewa complaint basis under kcsd-i, kcd-iv, kolkata.
Tender For srm e-tender: annual maintenance of switchyard for weed control by initial chemical treatment comprising of grass removal, uprooting of small trees, shrubs & continuous maintenance of switchyard for one calendar year (12 turns in a year) at various ehv sub-stations under ehv o&m division, beed.
Tender For strengthening and soil mass consolidation (foundation treatment) for main building at heritage site badi patan devi, at patna sahib, bihar by means of chemical grouting and self drilling anchor (sda)
Tender For corrigendum : providing of custom bid for services - cooling water chemical treatment program for period of one year at cryogenic facility uran terminal
Tender For corrigendum : retender for supply and installation of equipments for establishment of two integrated centre for diagnostics and treatment for hemoglobinopathies and hemophilia under sbc for the year 2024-25 - walk-in cooler, physiotherapy equipments, hplc (5000 sickle and thalassemia test free), electrolyte analyzer, deep freezer (-40), deep freezer (-20), centrifuge machine, blast freezer/ contact shock freezer, bio chemical anlayzer (5000 tests free), automated coagulometer (3000 tests free all the 17 test parameters), five part analyzer (5000 tests free all the 23 test parameters)
Tender For providing of supply and installation of liquid besd physicology machine - supply and installation of liquid besd physicology machine , supply and installation of electrophorsis apatos , supply and installation of grajuated cylinder for verious sapecity raning fram 100 cc to 1000 co , supply and installation of whote plate , supply and installation of digigal sklr at list 20 megapixel with micro, mecro, wide , supply and installation of digital perafin dispencing module cold plate holdingmore than 1000 ca , supply and installation of balance chemical with vetus , supply and installation of microscope , supply and installation of processing station (stenless still, with control panel. air filtration syste , supply and installation of three part fully automated sel counter , supply and installation of quaglemter , supply and installation of weight machine adult , supply and installation of seltaras baby weight machin , supply and installation of harpenden calybar , supply and installation of hight machuring stand , supply and installation of smart tv , supply and installation of public address system (2 portable for fild besd activity and one inch r , supply and installation of cloroscope , supply and installation of herijack approtas , supply and installation of muaac tep , supply and installation of bp apretus (digital) , supply and installation of sound level meter , supply and installation of water samplig bottle form any depth , supply and installation of nidle shudder , supply and installation of vekey carrier , supply and installation of cropt water testing kit , supply and installation of treatment kit asper national health program , supply and installation of idone testing kit , supply and installation of glucometer , supply and installation of mayseuto kaching kit , supply and installation of clinical tharmexmeter , supply and installation of fast and kit , supply and installation of autoscope , supply and installation of fast aid banding and spliting kit , supply and installation of basic cpr half body nanikin with monitor , supply and installation of advance infut cpr training modul , supply and installation of advance child cpr training modul , supply and installation of imbriyo model , supply and installation of fetas with vhisera and plesenta , supply and installation of the development process of fetas , supply and installation of female internal and external genital orgon model , supply and installation of gayenology examination model , supply and installation of brist examination model , supply and installation of fertilizan process model , supply and installation of female cattithretion training modul , supply and installation of male cattithretion training modul , supply and installation of adult instra mescular injection modul , supply and installation of adult sub cantiview injection training modul , supply and installation of adult instra venious injection training modul , supply and installation of new bonr baby model , supply and installation of unisex torso 23 part 85 cm , supply and installation of computer system , screw 850 half threded
Tender For repairing, renovation and painting works of chemical house, chlorine house, filter house, laboratory building, clariflocculator at mathurapur water treatment plant under malda arsenic area w/s division, p.h.e dte.