Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : supply of 16b 121777e - repair oblic overhauling oblic washing replacing the unserviceable parts with new parts checking of leakage oiling greasing where required of gypasy ba no 16b 121777e at ge ep jodhpur , parts of vehicle to be replaced , distilled water and electrolyte solution for bty , gear oil 80w90 , coolant , engine oil 05w40 , oil filter , fuel filter , wheel cover , foot mat , mud flap , maintenance and labour work required , wheel alignment and wheel balancing , air filter cleaning , complete greasing i e wheel hub shaft nipple , bty charging , break bleeding , transmission oil changing , radiator flushing , polishing and buffing , cleaning of fuel tank and fuel line to the engine , calibration of doors , complete servicing and tuning of vehicle
Tender For supply of cell pack dcl of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , sulfolyser (sls) of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , wdf- lysercell of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , wdf- fluorocell of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , cell clean of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , 195079-qc- xn check-l1 of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , 195079-qc- xn check-l2 of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , 195079-qc- xn check-l3 of make sysmex india pvt ltd. , 120558 -internal filling solution, pack of 125ml of medica corporation , 120565-cleaning solution kit, pack of 6 x 15ml of medica corporation , 120559-easylite trilevel control, pack of 3 x 10ml of medica corporation , 120560-solution pack (new)- (na/k/cl), pack of 800 ml of medica corporation , 181580-thermal paper roll for printer, pack of 55mm x 15 m of medica corporation , 181655-tubing kit, one pack of medica corporation , 160267-k electrode, pack of 1 piece of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 160269-na electrode, pack of 1 piece of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 160271-cl electrode, pack of 1 piece of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 160281-ref. electrode, pack of 1 piece of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 160283-membrane assey, pack of 1 piece of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120265-albumin,pack of 10x44 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121018-alkaline phosphatase, pack of 2x44 ml, 2x11ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121026-amylase, pack of 5x22 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120623-bilirubin direct, pack of 6x44/6x12.3 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120621-bilirubin total, pack of 6x44/6x12.3 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120262-calcium (a), pack of 10x22 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121021-cholesterol, pack of 10x44 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , "121165-ck nac, pack of 2x12ml/2x3 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd " , "121166-ck mb, pack of 2x12ml/2x3 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd " , 120958-erba autowash, pack of 10x100 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120266-glucose, pack of 10x44 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120706-direct hdl cholesterol with calibrator, pack of 4x30/4x10 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121020-ldh-p, pack of r1-2x44ml & r2- 2x11 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120707-direct ldl cholesterol with calibrator, pack of 2x30/2x10 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120267-total protien, pack of 10x44 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , "121024-triglyceride, pack of r1-5x44ml & r2-5x11 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd " , "121025-urea, pack of r1-5x44ml & r2-5x11 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd" , "121023 -uric acid, pack of r1-5x44ml & r2-5x11 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd" , 120611-xl multical, pack of 4x3 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121238-xl auto wash (ac/al) kit, pack of 5x44 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121053-hba1c control h, pack of 1x0.5 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121054-hba1c control l, pack of 1x0.5 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121200-enzymatic creatinine, pack of r1 5x30ml and r2 5x10 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121505-xl turbi crp, pack of 2x22ml / 1x11 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121507-xl turbi aso, pack of 1x22 / 1x5.5 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 131961-aso/crp/rf control l (low), pack of 1x1 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 131962-aso/crp/rf control h (high), pack of 1x1 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 121506-xl turbi rf, pack of 1x22ml / 1x5.5 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , test tube adapter for molded sample holding plate , 120412-microalbumin, pack of 1x5 ml / 2x25 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 120405-microlbumin control, pack of 1 ml of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 165267-a m kit for di plant, one pack of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 103854-p.m. kit for em 360, 1 pack of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 107882-p.m. kit for em 200, 1 pack of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 100263- cuvette of em 200, 1 pack of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 100279- cuvette of em 360, 1 pack of transasia bio-medicals ltd , 115638-internal tubing set with connector of em 200, 1 pack of transasia bio-medica
Tender For corrigendum : procurment of lab reagents - cled agar , kit for estimation of cpk , prothrombin time reagents , pttk reagent , occult blood test , d dimer ichroma , kit for estimation of cpk-mb , pt reagent , biofix cytofix spray , pa colifrom kit , snap pack for eletrolyte analyser , kit for csf microprotien , transasia erba h360 control , transasia erba h360 calibrator , transasia erba h360 elit h clean , transasia erba h360 lyse , transasia erba h360 dil , haematology 5 part h560 lyse 1 , haematology 5 part h560 lyse 2 , heamatology 5 part h560 diluent 1 , transasia erba h560 control , combi disk gn1 abst , combi disk gn2 abst , combi disk gp1 abst , erba wash kit , uristix albumin and glucose , surgical spirit , band aid , kit for lipase , microscope lens cleaning solution , haematoxylin and eosin stain , pencil marking glass , hba1c fully automated em 200 xl system pack , ckmb fully automated em 200 xl system , anti hev , ldh fully automated em 200 xl system pack , ada fully automated em 200 xl system pack , erba norm kit fully automated em 200 xl system pack , erba path kit fully automated em 200 xl system , xl multical fully automated em 200 xl system pack , mac conkey broth powder , micro albumin , micro protein , cytochrome stain kit , erba auto wash , erba auto wash fully automated , anti hav
Tender For corrigendum : supply of camaboq - elesysy compatible with cobas e411 , vitamin b12cal setcompatible with cobas e411 , vitamin d3 elesysycompatible with cobas e411 , vitamin d3 elesysy cal setcompatible with cobas e411 , precontrol universalcompatible with cobas e411 , preci control veriacompatible with cobas e411 , clean cell compatible withcobas e411 , pro cell compatible with cobas e411 , assaywash compatible with cobas e411 , diluent universalcompatible with cobas e411 , blank cell compatible withcobas e411 , ise cleaning solution compatible with cobase411 , maintenance kit 6month compatible with cobas e411, maintenance kit 12month compatible with cobas e411 ,asysys cup compatible with cobus e411 , asysys tipcompatible with cobas e411 , anti a monoclonel , anti bmonoclonel , anti ab monoclonel , anti d igm monoclonel ,anti d igg igm monoclonel , anti coomsera ahg , bovinealbumin 22 percentage weight by vollume , hemocuemicrocuvette , micropipette tips 200 microliters ,micropipette tips 1000 microliters , edta vaccutainerpurple color , plain vaccutainer red color , steile lancetesblue color , btct glass capillary , tournicate size large ,wash bottle ldpe plastic 500 ml , rubber teat big size ,rubber teat small size , elisa fax thermal roll 57 mm 25metre , filter paper , insect fly killer tubelight 44 point 8 x 8point 8 x 7 point 3cm , vdrl shaker , portable blood centerrefrigerater for 30 blood bags , luggage carrier foldingtrolly , hot air oven 120 litre , glass thermometer forroom 76 mm 30 glass , domestic fridge , digital blood bagweighting scale , digital bp apparatus , blood bagcontainer for 30 blood bags , blood bag container for 15blood bags , blood bag container for 8 blood bags , bloodbag container for 4 blood bags , steel drum big size bag container for 4 blood bags , steel drum big size
Tender For rate contract for supply of consumables/non-consumables for the department of plastic surgery - consumables, adhesive hydrocellular foam dressing - size: 12.5 cm x 12.5 cm, adhesive hydrocellular foam sacrum dressing - size: 17 cm x 17 cm, adhesion barrier film which is translucent and hydrophilic adhesion barrier made of sodium hyaluronate and carboxymethylcellulose - size: 5 in x 6 in, adhesion barrier film which is translucent and hydrophilic adhesion barrier made of sodium hyaluronate and carboxymethylcellulose - size: 3 in x 5 in, barrier foam dressing (sterile) 10cm x 10cm, barrier gauze dressing (sterile), centella asiatica, silver oxide and silk powder - 50gm, centella asiatica, silver oxide and silk ointment - 25gm, centrifuge tubes polypropylene cap (sterile) - 15 ml, chlorhexidine gauze dressing size 10 x 10cm, chlorhexidine gauze dressing size 10 x 30cm, cockup splint, colloidal silver solution - pre-cleaning solution containing colloidal silver - 60 ml, compression bandage, cotton crepe bandage size - 10cm x 4m, cotton crepe bandage size - 15cm x 4m, fiber glass cast tape for limb splint - size: 7.5cm, fiber glass cast tape for limb splint - size: 10cm, fiber glass cast tape for limb splint - size: 15cm, finger splint, g bone (modified hydroxyapatite granules and blocks), gentamicin in collagen base gel for wound healing - 30gm, hemostat to stop bleeding for arterial haemorrhages comprised of agar and bovine factor proteins (iia, viia, xia and xa) and acts as a catalyst in the clot formation process - pack size 3ml vial, ionic silver solution, kaolin impregnated x-ray detectable hemostatic dressing - size: 10 cm x 10 cm, kaolin impregnated vaccum packed hemostatic dressing - size: 7.5 cm x 3.7 m, x-ray detectable strip, kaolin impregnated ems rolled gauze hemostatic dressing - size: 7.5 cm x 1.2 m, low adherent, absorbent wound dressing - size: 10cm x 10cm, leur lock syringe (disposable) - 2 ml, leur lock syringe (disposable) - 5 ml, leur lock syringe (disposable) - 20 ml, multi-layered design incorporating hydrocellular foam with hyper-absorbent lock away core having five layers comprising of masking layer, silicon layer, and polyurethane breathable top - size: 12.9 x 12.9 cm, multi-layered design incorporating hydrocellular foam with hyper-absorbent lock away core having five layers comprising of masking layer, silicon layer, and polyurethane breathable top - size: 15.4 x 15.4 cm, non adhesive hydrocellular foam dressing - size: 10cm x 10cm, non-woven island wound dressing (non woven adhesive sheet with absorbent pad) size 10cm x 8cm, non-woven island wound dressing (non woven adhesive sheet with absorbent pad) size 10cm x 20cm, non-woven island wound dressing (non woven adhesive sheet with absorbent pad) size 15cm x 8cm, orthopaedic cast padding - size 10cm x 3m, orthopaedic cast padding - size 15cm x 3m, oxidized regenerated cellulose, bactericidal by ph action, absorbable topical hemostat - standard size: 2" x 3". approved by ce, oxidized regenerated cellulose, bactericidal by ph action, absorbable topical hemostat - size 1" x 2" fibrillar form. approved by ce, oxidized regenerated cellulose, bactericidal by ph action, absorbable topical hemostat - size 1" x 1" woven form. approved by ce, paraffin gauze dressing size 10 x 10cm, paraffin gauze dressing size 15 cm x 2m, polyester wound contact layer with central cotton absorbent layer and out hydrophobic non-woven layer. low adherent, absorbent wound dressing - size: 10 cm x 10 cm, polyester wound contact layer with central cotton absorbent layer and out hydrophobic non-woven layer. low adherent, absorbent wound dressing - size: 10 cm x 20 cm, polyester wound contact layer with central cotton absorbent layer and out hydrophobic non-woven layer. low adherent, absorbent wound dressing - size: 50 cm x 7 mtr roll (unsterile), pre-cut synthetic splint system - size: 10 x 40cm, pre-cut synthetic splint system - size: 12.5 x 76cm, pure type i bovine collagen particles
Tender For supplying public health materials for annual maintenance in nannilam town panchayat from 2025-2026 - abate 50% ec, pyrethrum 2% extract, baytex 1000, pantheon, fogg m/c. lpg cylinder, emi solution, organic jaggery, king fogg high fogg (delta methrin 1.25 ulv), tempephos 50% ec, alum ( sulphate of alumina ferric), malathion, bio larvicide, lemon gross oil, glyphosate or roundup, 2-4d oil, ammonium sulphate, acid, bleaching water, soap oil, reponsar (beta cyfluthrin 2.45 sc flying insect killer), lysol, sodium hypo chloride, hand sanitizer, hand wash liquid, bt powder, non ferric acid, ppe kit, gloves, a. 12" gloves, b. 18" gloves, c. one side rubber coated gloves, d. surgical gloves, e. cotton gloves, mask, a. n95 mask, b. three layer, c. cotton mask, face shield, reflective jacket, cap, overcoat, rain coat, helmet, sweepers coat(green) with sleeve, power sprayer heavy (fuel operated), power sprayer heavy (battery operated), mamooty with handle, forque with handle, pickace with handle, tata shovel with handle, crown bar, drainage mamooty with handle, 3" mamooty with handle (koththu), 6" mamooty with handle (koththu), kundalam, fibre ghamela - big, fibre ghamela - small, bamboo ghamela big, bamboo ghamela small, bamboo ghamela, iron ghamela, aluminium ghamela (annakudai), pull / push cart (two wheeler), pull / push cart (four wheeler), 200 litre can pull cart, machete with handle (aruval) - big, machete with handle (aruval) - small, slump cleaner with handle (gi plate), slump cleaner with handle (agappai), pump stick miller with handle, wooden handle for mamooty,pickace,kundalam, action m l o, foot boot, cart tyre (pull/push cart tyre), cart tube (pull/push cart wheel tube), 50 litres can (bin), 80 litre can pull cart, broom stick, 10 gi bucket, 12 gi bucket, gi mug, road cleaning brush, bill hook, grass cutter with handle, broom stick with handle
Tender For bid to ras supply of wonder tape 2 inch , tape transperent 2 inch , paint roller 4 inch , paint roller 7 inch , tape transparent 1 inch , xerox paper a4 size , photocopier paper full scape , brown sheet laminated , battery dry pencil cell , jerry can 20 ltr , can plastic 10 ltr , tape transparent 25 mm steel grip , teflon tape , bag gunny , synthetic foot mat 3 feet x 2 feet , xerox paper a3 size , paint roller 12 inch , distemper white , paint roller 6 inch , paint brush 4 inch , paint roller 9 inch , spray hand liquid insecticide , jubilee clip 3 inch , paint brush 2 inch , envelope 4 x 10 , mosquito repellent gel , mosquito repellent machine with liquid , refill for automatic air freshner , hand wash liquid , hand towel , steel cleaning liquid , spin mop set , wiper long handle , plastic mug , ncml solution , ncml solution tiourec , distileed water , napthalene balls , gash bag 24 inch x 30 inch , dustbin with cover , detergent powder 01 kg pack