Tender For supply of bid 1 - supply and replacement of synthetic engine oil , supply and replacement of oil filter , supply and replacement of brake calipers , supply and replacement of brake cable , supply and replacement accelerator cable , supply and replacement of speedometer kit , supply and replacement of clutch cable , supply and replacement of clutch lever , supply and replacement of air filter , supply and replacement of spark plug , supply and replacement of main stand , supply and replacement of chain sprocket , supply and replacement of head light bulb , supply and replacement of side mirrors , master cylinder overhauling , full engine overhauling and tappet adjustment , clutch overhauling , kick overhauling , supply and fixing clutch plate , supply and replacement of visor , supply and replacement of mud guard , supply and replacement of side stand
Tender For supply of suspension bush kit , brake pad , brake shoe assy , filter fuel , hose out let , sun visor rear glass , assy latch door frt dvr lh