Tender For supply, printing and installation of iec materials for mcc - momentos medium size, memento big size, booklet binding /spiral binding a4, sun board including installation, sticker with multicolor, printing a5, peta,haara and shaalu (vip), peta, haara and shaalu (normal), black and white pamphlets a3 (posters), sticker with multicolor printing a6, multi-color pamphlets a5, multi-color pamphlets a4, multi-color pamphlets a3, momentos small, iron frame with fitting, cloth banners with transport and fitting01, certificate 300gsm, cloth banners without frame, black and white pamphlets a5, black and white pamphlets a4
Tender For supply of com-690.b:- ticket deposit receipt a4 b/s bks. printing in bi-lingual (hindi and english as per s pecimen/matter. proof should be got approved before printing. to be machine serial numbered in 06 to 08 dig its as per alpha numeric series and serial number allotted. printing in black ink on 60 gsm maplitho white pap er conforming to is no. 1848/2007 as amended up to december-2016.the paper manufactured out of pulp co ntaining not less than 60 percent by weight of pulp made from materials other than bamboo,hardwoods, soft woods and reed.200 leaves,side stich with printed cover page of 130 gsm as per is 1848/2007 as amended u p-to-date. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For printing of atgrade books, floor games materials , samagra pragti patrak class 1 and 2 on sheet fed and web offset machines for the academic year 2025-2026.
Tender For supply of 83051806 t-1059 caution order book, a4 b/s lprinting in bi-lingual (hindi and english as per specimen/matter. proof should be got approved b efore printing. printing in black ink on 60 gsm maplitho white paper conforming to is no. 1848/2007 as amended up to december-2016.the paper manufactu red out of pulp containing not less than 60 percent by weight of pulp made from materials other than bamboo,hardwoods, softwoods and reed 101 leaves,cen ter stitch as per is 1848/2007 as ammended upto date. ]