Tender For bid to ras providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - gov staff quarter; plumbing and civil work; service provider
Tender For sucessful testing and commissioing of construction of rapid sand filtration plant with pre-settling tank, constt of sluice chamber, constt of pump house cum operator quarter, consst of intake channle stage ist , constt of clear water sump stage 2nd and providing and fixing various dia of pipe for wss khanu babagund under ut capex
Tender For annual repairing &amp maintenance of desert coolers related to furniture store for honble ministers banglows of civil line area, hospital road, b.s. marg mla quarter &amp other nearer area at jaipur.
Tender For periodical maintenance of ei works in the 40 nos type v and 18 nos type vi govt residential quarter at kunjaban township and kumaritilla residences of honble chief minister under the juridisction of ie sub-division no i agartala