Tender For selection of insurer for group term life insurance policy for salary account holders with canara bank for a period of one year from 10/04/2025 to 09/04/2026
Tender For selection of insurer for group personal accident insurance policy coverage for salaried and pension account holders with canara bank for the period of one year from 10/04/2025 to 09/04/2026
Tender For providing of liability insurance service - professional liability insurance policy for hiring of consultant for selection of most suitable psp out of four psps in bihar preparation of feasibility report for a period of 1 year
Tender For corrigendum : providing of assets insurance service - standard fire and special perils policy and earthquake fire and stfi; standard fire & special perils cover, storm, typhoon, hurricane, tornado, flood and inundation (stfi) cover, earthquake cover; optional
Tender For providing of assets insurance service - standard fire special perils insurance policy as per atc; standard fire special perils insurance policy as per atc; optional,assets insurance service - electronic equipment insurance policy as per atc; electronic equipment insurance policy as per atc; optional,assets insurance service - portable electronics equipment insurance policy as per atc; portable electronics equipment insurance policy as per atc; optional,assets insurance service - theft burglary insurance polic as per atc; theft burglary insurance polic as per atc; optional,assets insurance service - special contingency insurance policy as per atc; special contingency insurance policy as per atc; optional
Tender For corrigendum : providing of assets insurance service - mega risk insurance, terrorism insurance, all risk policy, sat policy as per tender; property damage cover, terrorism cover, worldwide coverage, sat policy as per tender; mandatory
Tender For corrigendum : providing of assets insurance service - mega risk insurance, all risk policy, spm policy as per tender; property damage cover, standard fire & special perils cover, storm, typhoon, hurricane, tornado, flood and inundation (stfi) cover, business interruption (loss..
Tender For corrigendum : providing of assets insurance service - mega risk insurance, as per tender, all risk policy; mbd (machinery breakdown) cover, business interruption (loss of profit) cover, property damage cover, standard fire & special perils cover, storm, typhoon, hurricane, tor..