Tender For corrigendum : civil works for provision of clean agent system at ref-2 control room, oms panel room, admin-2 server room and corporate office server room at cpcl
Tender For corrigendum : design, supply and installation of clean agent fps (inert gas system)for stage-2 proposed cer room at 8.5 m in u-7 and u-8 vstpp
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - metro; clean agent based fire suppression system; service provider
Tender For corrigendum : supply and installation of wall mounted automatic inverted clean agent gas type fire fighting system for server room, cese room, within the campus of cnmc (colllege and hospital) kolkata during the year 2024-25
Tender For corrigendum : clean agent fire protection system in both the control room at ipps-3 and rt site in connection with composite works for ipps 3 and rt-receipt terminal at numaligarh-part- c
Tender For supply of water camper 10 ltr , water camper 20 ltr , water bubble , green blazer cloth , fireextinguisherball , aluminum ladder 10 feet , carpet 6 x 6
Tender For supply of high-performance cooling pac unit, 08 tr or higher , high- performance cooling pac unit, 03 tr or higher , air purification system , acs-access control system , ip based cctv surveillance system , fire detection and alarm system-fdas , clean agent-based fire suppression system , vesda-very early smoke detection apparatus system , water leak detection system -wlds , rodent repellent system , building management system , civil or mechanical or electrical or cabling work , quote for 04 years post warranty comprehensive amc of supplied high- performance cooling pac units -08 tr or higher , quote for 04 years post warranty comprehensive amc of supplied high-performance cooling pac units -03 tr or higher , quote for 04 years post warranty comprehensive amc of supplied 1000 cfm air purification system. , quote for 04 years post warranty comprehensive amc of supplied acs- access control system and its components. , quote for 04 years post warranty comprehensive amc of supplied ip based cctv surveillance system and its components. , quote for 04 years post warranty comprehensive amc of supplied fire detection and alarm system and its components. , quote for 04 years post warranty comprehensive amc of supplied clean agent-based fire suppression system and its components. , quote for 04 years post warranty comprehensive amc of supplied vesda system its components. , quote for 04 years post warranty comprehensive amc of supplied water leak detection system its components. , quote for 04 years post warranty comprehensive amc of supplied rodent repellent system and its components. , quote for 04 years post warranty comprehensive amc of supplied building management system its components. , quote for 05 years comprehensive amc of data centre electrical system