Tender For design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of mechanical equipment at bhobha mps 1-, submersible sewage non-clog vertical pump, , ms pipe :-, , lowering, laying, jointing & welding in position to correct line & level m.s. pipe with outer gunniting & inside lining/epoxy painting on pedestal or chairs upon prepared formation or prepared bedding in trenches the rates include conveyance from store to site of work loading, unloading, joint plastering, hydrotesting etc.complete, , sluicevalve, , refluxvalve, , lowering,layingandjointinginpositionfollowingc.i/d.frefluxvalves,butterflyvalves,sluicevalvesandairvalveincludingcostoflabour,jointing,material,includingnutboltsandgivingsatisfoctoryhydraulicstesting etc complete:- for sluive valve & nrv, , expansionbellows, , pressureguage, , ultrasonic type level transmitter with integral display, , sitcoflvmccpaneltotallyenclosed,dust&berminproof,indoortype,minimumdegreeofprotection-ip52asperis:2147,operationon3-phase,4wire,415v,50hz,neutraleffectivelygrounded,withinstrumentationcompartmentsaccomodatingledtypeindicatinglamps,controlcontactorsasperis:13947,ctofaccuracyclass-iasperis:2705,relays,meters&controlmcbs,airinsulatedelectroliticgradealuminumbusbarforthreephase&neutralsystemwithincommingbreaker-microprocessorbasedaircircuitbreakers(electricallyoperateddrawouttype)/airbreakfixedtypemccbwithtripfreemechanism,currentlimitingtypeasperis:8828,motorcontractor(aspertype-2coordination),overloadrelaywithbuilt-insinglephasingpreventionfeature&auxiliaryfeedersasperslddrawings,momentarycontacttypepushbuttons,equipmentfittings,busbars,cableboxes,cablegland,incoming&ougoingcableconnectionfor1100vgrade,aluminium/copperconductorxlpe/pvcinsulated&pvcsheathedarmouredcable,10%spareterminals,powerwiringusing1100vgrade,frlsinsulatedcopperconductorwiresconformingtois:694&8130,cablecompartments/alleysofminimum300mmsize,gi/alearthbusbarforentirelength.mccshallbefabricatedfromcoldrolled,coledannealed(crca)sheetsteel&minimumthicknessofvariousmembersshallbeasfollows:baseframe/channel/glandplate:3mm,loadbearingmembers/doors:2mmandinternalpartitions: 1.6 mm. microprocessor based soft starter with built-in by pass contactor,semiconductorfuses,harmonicfilters,castresintypect,digitalmfm,analogueammeter&minimum10channeltemperaturescanner with rs 485 communication port - 75 kw, ,
Tender For supply of shunt safe device specification 1. the unit should be an audio visible alarm unit, to be u sed by the shunting staff for their own safety during shunting operations. 2. the unit should be made of at l east 1.2 mm thick ms sheet duly powder epoxy coasted. 3. the visible indication is to be provided with the help of a matrix of blue led?s of 5 mm diameter. the front size matrix should be have 4 rows and 4 column s and the matrices on either side should have 1 column of 4 led?s each. the led?s should be flashing with one second off and one second on times. the side led?s should be located at an angle of 32 to 35 degrees from the front matrix, with the objective is to disperse the light in the front, as well as on the two sides. 4. t he audio alarm should comprise of a loud speaker of such intensity as to be audible from a distance of at le ast 75 meters in a noisy environment. nominal audio power out put of the unit should be 10 watt, which sh ould be provided by the means of the sturdy horn type loud speaker. the horn should be protected with the help of ms bracket of suitable size duly powder coated. the sound to be intermittent to be decided in consu ltation with railways. 5. the unit should be provided with a battery backup of at least 4 to 5 hours. 6. batte r 12v 4.5 ah lithium-ion battery. 7. the unit shall be usable in all weather conditions in open areas. the de sign should be rainwater proof. 8. there should be hook for hanging the device with the coach/wagon. the hook should have a diameter of 2.5 inches and it should be possible to rotate the hook in any direction. hoo k should be strong enough tom sustain the regular used of the unit. 9. rubber lining or any other type of sh ock absorbers should be provided at the bottom and the back side. 10. the unit should be provided with a s uitable and sturdy on off switch, so located that it is not operated accidentally. a jack plug in arrangement should be provided to facilitate the changing of batter with an external charger. 11. the led?s should be pr otected with the help of an acrylic sheet. 12. battery on charge indication should be provided at suitable lo cation. 13. external smps charger to be provided for charging batteries. [ warranty period: 30 months af ter the date of delivery ]