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Tender For supply of thermal winter marshalling jacket for helicopter operation , fod bags for fod prevention , fire extinguisher 6 kgs for base camp for firesafety , fire ball auto fire off for base camp for firesafety , fire extinguisher 2 kgs for base camp for firesafety
Tender For supply of interior stickers with braille script for lhb scn coaches., as per drawing: ls 64007 alt b item no.1,2,6,8,13 to 17,19,21,23,25 & 26 with braille script as per mcf's specifi cation no. mmdts-22001 rev. nil or latest, packing instruction: pi136 ver 2.0, lettering inside : one complete set of lettering inside should be packed in cardboard box. different sub sets should be made & a list of items should be pasted on each packet of subsets. lette rs packed in each subset under different headings are as under:- plumbing : emergency flush button, press for flush, notice for bio toilet moulding:- duties of coach attenda nt, push, pull, no smoking, alarm and penalty notice, door closes automatically, safety message near gate, notice for luggage capacity. lavatory:- dust bin, fire extinguisher, soap dispenser, no drinking water, no waste into toilet, western style, press for flush , fire prevention and safety, marking of lavatories / body side door, notice for lavatories, drinking water, unified notice for fire prevention & safety. seat & berth:- st icker for seat number, berth numbers, letter for chaining luggage, notice for unreser ved coaches. air brake:- reset emergency brake, feed pipe, brake pipe, closed, open, hand brake panel : furnish plate, complaint book. window & ceiling: pull window glass inside, indication plate & sticker for emergency window, emergency openable window. note : fi rms have option to provide qr code the cardboard box shall carry a qr code having de tails as listed below : " name of the manufacturer " purchase order numb er " purchase order date " unique serial number (or lot number for bu lk items) of the manufacturer or " date of manufacture " delivery challan no. " delivery challan date the qr code shall be as per iso/iec18004 model2 and the data shall be available as xml using t he tags detailed above. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of interior stickers with braille script for lhb ac 3 tier coaches., as per drawin g: le64016 alt b item no 1 to 7, 9 to 11,13, 15, 18 to 22,27 & 29 with braille script as per mc f's specification no. mmdts-22001 rev. nil or latest, packing instruction:pi136 ver-2.0, letteri ng inside: one complete set of lettering inside should be packed in cardboard box. diffe rent subsets should be made & a list of items should be pasted on each packet of subse ts. letters packed in each subset under different headings are as under:- plumbing : em ergency flush button, press for flush, notice for bio toilet moulding:- duties of coach attendant, push, pull, no smoking, alarm and penalty notice, door closes automatically, safety message near gate, notice for luggage capacity. lavatory:- dust bin, fire extinguisher, soap dispenser, no drinking water, no waste into toilet, western style, press for flush, fire prevention and safety, marking of lavatories / body side do or, notice for lavatories, drinking water, unified notice for fire prevention & safety. s eat & berth:- sticker for seat number, berth numbers, letter for chaining luggage, noti ce for unreserved coaches. air brake:- reset emergency brake, feed pipe, brake pipe, clo sed, open, hand brake panel : furnish plate, complaint book. window & ceiling: pull wind ow glass inside, indication plate & sticker for emergency window, emergency openable window. note : firms have option to provide qr code the cardboard box shall carry a q r code having details as listed below : " name of the manufacturer " purc hase order number " purchase order date " unique serial number (or l ot number for bulk items) of the manufacturer or " date of ma nufacture " delivery challan no. " delivery challan date the qr code shall be as per iso/iec18004 model2 and the data shall be availa ble as xml using the tags detailed above. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of deli very ]