Tender For supply of radiation lab equipments - radioactive sources set of 5 gamma sources (ba133,co60,cs137,na22) , beta source sr90 , am241 alpha source , alpha counting system , standard pocket dosimeter , gm counting system with accessories+ lead shield , g m counting system with g m tube stand, al & copper absorber set (pleatue region of the g m tube) , gamma ray spectrometer, single channel analyser with 2"x2" nai(ti) detector and other accessories (gamma ray counter) , micro r-radiation survey meter (dosimeter) , alpha/ beta counting system , gamma ray spectroscopy system+ 3"x3" na(ti) detector+ lead shield + 4 k mca + computer
Tender For e-tender second call for cbrn equipments - teletector, g m survey meter, electric dosimeter, micro radiation survey meter, n b c first aid kit, portable decontamination apparatus, nbc suit (impermeable) decontamination, plastic suit with comfy respirator, water poision detection kit, mini rad meter