Tender For supply of tool kit multi too set contain following,cable tie,gi wire,white board dry wipe magnet nbc state,white board dry wipe magnet imp telephone,white board dry wipe magnet manpower state,white board dry wipe magnet transport state,white board dry wipe magnet equip state,scaled down satellite map of unit of mag board 8 feet x 11 feet,magnetic flagged pins,pointer stick length 5 mat wooden,y end stick length 5 mat wooled,wooden storage box for the board accessories size 5 x 1.5 x 1,portable hand held automatic weather station aws,conference table with a seating capacity of at least eight personnel,briefing card kill cards,steel cupboard with locking arrangement for storage rme size large,posters flow charts depicting general precautions,amplifier 500 watts,microphone with unidirectional,horn speakers 25w 100v,cable 3 core,mic stand length 24 inch boom stand
Tender For supply of 16 sq mm (black) thin walled flexibleelastomericcable with copper conductors for wo rking voltage above 750 volts up to 1.8/3.0 kv rdso dtd. 23.03.2009 as per rdso specs no.elrs/spe c/elc/0019 rev-4 or latest. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of single core e-beam irradiated cross linked thin walled flexibleelastomericcables with c opper conductors of size 25 sq.mm, voltage grade 1.8/3.0 kv conforming to rdso specification no. el rs/spec/elc/0019 ( rev.4 ) of feb 2018. colour of the cables shall be red & blue or black in equal qu antities. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For single core e-beam irradiated cross linked thin walled flexibleelastomericcable with co pper conductors of size 6 sq.mm (84 x 0.31mm), voltage grade 1.8/3.0 kv conforming to rdso specifi cation no. elrs/spec/elc/0019 (rev.4) of february 2018 or latest. note: firm to supply the cables in red, yellow, blue & black colours in equal quantities. [ warranty period: 30 months after the dat e of delivery ]
Tender For corrigendum : supply of 2.5 sqmm, choclate colour, electron beam irradiation curing process thin walled flexibleelastomericcable with copper conductor suitable for rolling stock ap plication conforming to rdso spec.no.elrs/ spec/elc/0019 rev.4, feb-2018, 1.8 kv grade. no te: cables shall be supplied in coils of 500 metres length and left over quantity in multi ples of 100, with a tolerance of +/- 5% on the length [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of thin walled electronic beam irradited/chemically cured cross linked thin walled flexibleelastomericcable with copper conductors(single core) size 10 sq .mm .1.8kv to rdsos specn no. elrs/spec/0019 ( rev-4) . issued on february 2018 or latest amendment for power rolling stock
Tender For supply of 50 sq.mm electron beam irradiated thin walled flexibleelastomericcable with copper c onductors for working voltage above 750 volts up to 1.8/3.0 kv as per rdso specification no. elrs/ sp ec/elc/0019 rev 4, colour in black only. rdso approved vendors/makes only. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of 95 sq.mm (black) thin walled flexibleelastomericcable with copper conductor, above 750v up to 1.8/3.0 kv as per rdso spec no. elrs/spec/elc/0019 (rev-4)
Tender For supply of thin walled electronic beam irradiated/chemically cured cross linked thin walled flexibleelastomericcables with copper conductors (single core) size 300 sq.mm above 750 volts upto 1.8/3.0 k v to rdso's spec. no elrs/spec/elc/0019 (rev.- 4) issued on february 2018 for power rolling stock. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]