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Tender For tender for supply of glucose hexokinase dash uv dash pack of 5 x 44 mloblique 5x12 point 5 ml pack of 1020 test for em200 , urea pack of 5x44 ml oblique 5x11 ml pack of 1131 test for em200 , creatinine dash jaffe pack of 5x44 ml oblique 5x11 ml pack of 1131 test , uric acid pack of 5x22 ml oblique 5x4 ml pack of 232 test for em200 , billirubin total small system pack pack of 5x22 ml oblique 5x6 point 8 ml pack of 500 test for em200 , billirubin direct small system pack pack of 5x22 ml oblique 5x6 point 8 ml pack of 500 test for em200 , total protein pack of 10x44 ml pack of 2049 test for em200 , albumin pack of 10x44 ml pack of 2040 test for em200 , sgot dash el pack of 6x44 ml oblique 6x12 point 5 ml pack of 1484 test , sgpt dash el pack 6x44 ml oblique 6x12 point 5 ml pack of 1484 test for em200 , alkaline phosphatase small system pack pack of 5x22 ml oblique 5x6 point 8 ml pack of 621 test , lipase xl pack of 1x44 ml oblique 1x11 ml pack of 226 test for em200 , ldh dash p pack of 2x44 ml oblique 2x11 ml pack of 452 test , gamma gt small system pack pack of 2x22 ml oblique 2x6 point 8 ml pack of 248 test for em200 , calcium dash a small system pack pack of 5x6 ml pack of 110 test for em200 , ckmb small system pack pack of 2x12 ml oblique 2x3 ml pack of 71 test , ck nac small system pack pack of 2x12 ml oblique 2x3 ml pack of 71 test , ada pack of 1x20 ml oblique 1x10 ml for em200 , ada cali pack of 1x1 ml for em200 , ada control pack of 1x1 ml for em200 , hba1c cali set pack of 5x0 point 5 ml for em200 , hba1c con h pack of 1x0 point 5 ml for em200 , hba1c con l pack of 1x0 point 5 ml for em200 , cholesterol pack of 10x44 ml pack of 2049 test for em200 , triglycerides pack of 5x44 ml oblique 5x11 ml pack of 1131 test for em200 , hdl cholesterol with calibrator pack of 4x30 ml oblique 4x10 ml pack of 472 test , ldl cholesterol with calibrator pack of 2x30 ml oblique 2x10 ml pack of 236 test for em200 , 4 channel ise cleaning solution dash 5421 pack of 6x12 ml for em200 , 4 channel ise module reagent pack 35 spd pack of cal a dash 520 oblique cal b dash 190 ml pack of 1550 test for em200 , erba autowash dash system pack pack of 10x100 ml , erba norm pack of 4x5 ml for em200 , erba path pack of 4x5 ml for em200 , xl dash autowash ac oblique al kit pack of 5x44 ml oblique 5x44 ml pack of test for em200 , xl dash multical pack of 4x3 ml for em200 , sample cup pack of 500 cups for em200 , amylase small system pack pack of 5x11 ml pack of 232 test for em200
Tender For tender for supply of 69 laboratory reagents - albumin kit bcg , alkaline phosphatase kit alp , aso test , amylase kit , antihcv classets , bilirubin kit t & d , blood grouping sera anti a 10ml , blood grouping sera anti b 10ml , blood grouping sera anti d in bio clonal 10 m , calcium kit , cholesterol kit , creatinine kit , c reactive protein kit crp kit , c p k kit , c p k mb kit , esr pipatte disposable with cap , glucose god pap kit , hbvs ag austraio antigen test , hdl cholesterol kit direct , hiv test , ketodiastix strips , uristix strips , ldh kit , multistix strips , phosphrous kit , prothrombin time kit , ra test , ast sgot kit , alt sgpt kit , trigl ycerides kit , troponin t kit , urea kit bun , uric acid kit , urine pregency test , vdrl test , dengucheck kit , multicalibrator fully , acetone , chemistry control level i normal , chemistry control level ii raised , distilled water for lab 5lit , fuchest reagent , field stain a , field stain b , gram s iodine , methylene blue , safranine 0.5% , sulphuric acid 5% , sterile specimen container 20ml , vacutainer edta , vacutainer na citrate , vacutainer-na. fluoride , xylene , microscopic slides 75mm x 25mm x 1.30 , malaria card p f/p v) , hba ic test cartridges glycoslyted hb , vacutainer gel serum 4ml 13mmx75mm , lugol s iodine , widal antigen test igg/igm , normal saline laboratory , daily cleaning solutaion sens 12x15ml , lieshman s stain , total proteins kit biuret , occult blood sachest test , crp turbilatex c calibrator kit , ra turbilatex c calibrator kit , glass cover slip no 1 22mm sq 100 nos , immersion oil , ethanol
Tender For supply of lab reagents and consumables on pac basis - albumin bcp , alkaline phosphatase , alanine aminotransferase , aspartate aminotransferase , calcium cpc , cholesterol 2 , hdl cholesterol , ldl cholesterol , creatinine , direct bilirubin , gamma glutamyl transferase , glucose hexokinase , inorganic phosphorus , iron , lactate dehydrogenase l p , magnesium , total bilirubin , tibc , total protein , triglyceride , urea nitrogen , uric acid , haemoglobin a1c 3 , microalbumin urine , c reactive protein , rhematoid factor , transferrin , atellica ch a lyte na k c l , a lyte imt standard a , a lyte imt standrad b plus salt bridge , a lyte imt diluent , a lyte imt dilution check , atellica ci free thyroxine ft4 , atellica ci free triiodothyronine ft3 , atellica ci tsh3 ul ii , atellica ci vitamin b 12 vb12 , atellica ci vitamin d total vitd , atellica ci ferritin fer , atellica ci fsh , atellica ci luteinizing hormone lh , atellica ci prolactin prl , atellica ci testosterone ii tstii , atellica ci total hsg thcg , atellica amh , atellica ci progestrone prge , atellica ci enhanced estradiol ee2 , atellica ci psa , atellica ci free psa , atellica ci atpo , atellica ci pth , atellica ci total ige tige , atellica ci folate fol , atellica ci cortisol cor , atellica ci dhea so4 dheas , alp 2 cal , chem cal , enz 1 cal , enz 2 cal , hdlc cal , ldlc cal , a1c enz cal , crp 2 cal , microalbumin urine cal , spcl chem cal , check reagent , cleaner , conditioner , diluent , dilution cuvette , label 2 x 1 therm trans , lamp coolant , reaction cuvette , rgt probe cleaner 1 , rgt probe cleaner 2 , rgt probe cleaner 4 , wash , water bath additive , barcode labels , printer ribbon , tube top sample cup 1ml , cuvettes , sample tips , acid , base , wash 1 , apw1 , apw3 2pk , t3 t4 vb12 anc rgt 2pk , vb12 dtt rel kit , fol dtt rel kit , cal 30 2pk , cal 80 2pk , cal a 2pk , cal b 2pk , cal c 2pk , cal e 2pk , cal o 2pk , cal q 2pk , multi diluent 1 2pk , multi diluent 3 2pk , thcg diluent , ee2 dil 2pk , tlge dil 2pk , vitd dil 2pk , fol dil 2 pk , vitd qc kit 2 lev x 3 vials x 2ml , ch reagent probe , ch dilution and sample probe , ch source lamp , im reagent probe , im aspirate probe , im waste probe , ci preventive maintenance kit , atellica im active b12 quality control ab 12 qc , atellica im amh quality control , atellica im anti thyroid peroxedase qc , atellica im intact para thyroid hormone quality control
Tender For supply of reagent kit - glucose god pod method , blood urea gldh kinetic method , s creatinine jaffe method , s uric acid uricase method , bilirubin total diazo with sulphanilic method , bilirubin direct diazo with sulphanilic method , sgot ifcc method , sgpt ifcc method , s alkaline phosphatase ifccc method , s triglycerides gpo pap method , s cholesterol chod pap method , s hdl direct method , ggt ifcc method , s protein biuret method , s albumin bcg method