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Tender For supply of cosnsumables - hi viral transport kit 50 per pack , swab sterile size small pack of 100 , three ply non woven surgical face mask with nose pin , medium size nitrile powder free examination gloves box of 100 gloves , cryo vials 1 8ml , sodium hypochlorite 4percent 5l make merck , microtube tough tags 0 94 x 0 50 inches white cat no ttsw 1000 , tissue paper , microamp fast reaction tubes 8tubes by strips 125 strips applied biosystem , nicro centrifuge tube 1 5 ml , micro tips 0 5 10 ul sterile white tips with rack box , tarson tips 20 200ul sterile white tips with rack box , micro tips with filter 100 to 1000ul with rackbox , maxiamp pcr tubes 0 2 ml flat cap 1000 pcs tarsons cat no 510051 , raman and weil bacillol surface disinfectant 250ml spray bottle , ethanol ar 500ml
Tender For supply of airway long transparent oropharyngeal set consisting of size 0 1 2 3 4 , laryngoscope cell 1 point 5 v pencil cell , lighted intubation stylet small medium large , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 3 point 5 with out cuff , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 5 point 5 with cuff , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 7 point 5 with cuff , tube endo tracheal reinforced pvc size 9 with cuff , silicon foleyscatheter 2 way 16fr ballon capacity of 30 to 50ml , knife bard parker blade size 1 fitting commercial no 10 packet of 6 , knife bard parker blade size 2 fitting commercial no 20 packet of 6 , adhesive plaster tape 3 inches box of 6 microfoam , adhesive plaster tape 4 inches box of 6 microfoam , adhesive plaster microporous tape 2 inches box of 12 hypoellergenic highly breathable , adhesive plaster micro porous tape 3 inches box of 12 , monofilament polyglyconate synthetic absorbable suture size 2 oblique 0 70 to 75 cm half circle taper cutting 20 to 30 mm , monofilament polyglmonofilament polyglyconate synthetic absorbable suture size 3 oblique 0 70 to 75 cm half circle taper cutting 20 to 30 mm , polydioxanone size 3 oblique 0 70 75 cms half circle rb 20 25 cms , polypropylene blue monofilment 70 to75 cm size 4 oblique 0 half circle reserve cutting 13mm double needle , polypropylene blue monofilament 70 to 75 cms size 2 oblique 0 3 oblique 8 circle reverse cutting 12 mm. , silk braided size 2 oblique 0 70 to 76 cm rb 3 oblique 8 circle needle 45mm , silk braided size 3 oblique 0 70 to 76 cm cutting 3 oblique 8 circle needle 45mm , synthetic absorabable polyggalactin 910 polyglycolic acid coated with polycarproplate size 1 oblique 0 70 to 90 cm half circle rb 20 to 25 mm , tube feeding smooth plastic infant 38 cm long 8 f with red flexible connector for nasogastric feeding , tube feeding smooth plastic infant 38 cm long 5 f with red flexible connector for nasogastric feeding , urinary leg bag 540ml
Tender For supply of surgical items to kmcri hubli - terumo guide wire 0.032/, three way foleyscatheter 22fr/, d.j stent 5fr 26cm, ureteric catheter 5fr