Tender For supply of unique hydraulic high lift pallet truck as per following specification: -i)load capacity-1000 kg, ii) fork length-1150 mm., ii) width over fork-685 mm, iv) lowered height-90 mm.v) max. life height-800 mm, vi) wheel-pu wheel of josts make or equivalent of make neelkamal or godrej
Tender For supply of anti roll bar fork to drg.no. aaa05047 alt 'a'. the firm shall fulfill the requiremen t of rcf str mdst-155, rev-nil--or latest. special condition :-surface protection shall be as per specification no.mdts-166 rev.02 or latest. item to be packed in polythen bags and in suitab le size wooden pallet. 1)all polythene bags shall be of min. 200 microns thick , sealed w ater tight in all sides. 2)each polythene cover must have identification label with list of items inside. 3)each wooden box shall be stenciled or rigidly nailed with identification l abel. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of reinforced plastic pallet for pallet racking system with the following specification: 1) dimens ion: legth- 1000 mm, width- 1000 mm, height-150-160 mm 2) type of moulding : rotational moulding 3) c onstruction : flat top surface with 3 runners at bottom, two-way entry for fork 4) mhe compatibility: palle t truck, forklift, reach truck and stacker 5) load capacity: static-3000 kg, dynamic-1000 kg 6) material: 1 00% virgin lldpe with steel reinforcement. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For set of carline assly for 3 phase memu tc coach, as per drawing: mpmemut3cla version 3, packing instruction: carline assly the supplier shall pack the three c/set (segme nts) of carlines in a suitably designed robust returnable metallic cage/structure in su ch a way that carlines shall not get entangle, damaged, twisted, dented during trans portation, storage, handling and lifting and to avoid scratches on outer surface suit able environment friendly cushioning material is to be placed between two segments, t ransit damage if any shall be at the cost of supplier. the packing cage/structure to be fabricated by using sq. tubes channels/angles having sufficient strength to bear appr oximate 1.5 tonne material load in static & moving condition of three coach set of carline. the bottom part of this packing cage/pallet should be such that curvature pr ofile of bottom carline should match with the profile of packing cage and it can acco mmodate forklifter arms for lifting and transportation. it should have standard cla mping/fastening mechanism to facilitate easy unpacking & unloading. it should have fir m's identification/color mark. the packing cages along with set of carlines supplied in one lot be retained by rcf & this cage set shall be exchanged in the second lot supply and so on. at the end of the contract, the firm shall collect the remaining returnable packing cages from rcf. it should also be suitable for storage of carline under open s ky. packing slip should be pasted on each cage showing p.o. no., pl no., description,drg. no./spec, , qty. , firm's name and address & despatch date etc. for identification. [ warra nty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]