Tender For corrigendum : e-bid for rate contract cum supply and empanelment of surgical and suture items - anti a blood grouping serum ip(anti a monoclonal serum) [225], anti b blood grouping serum ip(anti b mono clonal serum) [226], anti d(rh) blood grouping serum ip/anti d blood grouping serum ip [227], vdrl antigen (with +ve and -ve control) / rpr slide kit :- specification for rpr _rapid plasma regain) slide test for detection of regain antibodies in syphilis1. rapid plasma reagin test kit having non- treponemal cardiolipin antigen coated carbon particles used in the detection of regain antibodies in serum / plasma of suspected cases of syphilis by the flocculation reaction.2. the kit should be meant for qualitative and semi quantitative detection of regain antiboidies against the non-treponemal cardiolipin antigen.3. sensitivity & specificity should be 95% or more.4. positive & negative control serum should be provided with the kit for at least 10% of the tests in each kit.5. the kit should have shelf life of minimum 12 months or more at the time of delivery of consignment. the kit should be stored at 2 c - 8 c.6. adequate literature detailing the principle, components, methodologies, validity criteria. bio-safety, performance characteristics, storage conditions, limitation of assay, manufacture and expiry dates and methods of disposal should be provided with each kit.7. the test should be free from possible interferences with potentially cross reactive sera.8. all the test kits should be provided with necessary / required disposable accessories in sufficient quantity.9. the imported kit should have approval of the statutory authority in its country of origin . the imported kits should have been registered and licensed in india by the cdsco. (central drugs standard control organization), double blood bags with sagm (350ml)general specifications annexure- xvi and specification in annexure-xxiii, laproscopic knotless pga -pcl bidirectional taper point surgical suture self fixation device with autolock mechanism made up of pga -pcl bidirectional taper point 17 mm & 32cm, curved cutter stapler 40 mm linear cutter simultaneous cutting and stapling, aortic punch 4.5 length betwwen 6 to 7 midlength diamond edge sharp, dual cut edge for clean precise removal of aortic tissue, conical tip or round / eliptical tip for easy insertation by straight or button hole tech, should have long and short handle confirguaration, sterile packing, aortic punch 3.6 length betwwen 6 to 7 midlength diamond edge sharp, dual cut edge for clean precise removal of aortic tissue,conical tip or round / eliptical tip for easy insertation by straight or button hole tech, should have long and short handle confirguaration, sterile packing, biopsy gun with compatible co-axial needle 14g x 11cm to 20cm programmable automatic should have 20mm sample notch and thin wall cannula for larger core and echogenic making on both stylet tip and cannula for improved visibility during procedure. should have three programmable firing mode-automatic mode, delay mode and zero throw mode. should have two firing btton on surface of the gun, size 12g, 14g, 16g, 18g, 20g with length 11cm, 15cm, 20cm. should come with compatible coaxial packed with biopsy gun. usfda approved., programmable automatic biopsy gun with compatible co-axial needle size 18gx11cm or above should have 20mm sample notch and thin wall cannula for larger core and echogenic making on both stylet tip and cannula for improved visibility during procedure. should have three programmable firing mode-automatic mode, delay mode and zero throw mode. should have two firing btton on surface of the gun, size 12g, 14g, 16g, 18g, 20g with length 11cm, 15cm, 20cm. should come with compatible coaxial packed with biopsy gun. usfda approved. (size 18gx11cm or above), programmable automatic biopsy gun with compatible co-axial needle size 18gx15cm or above should have 20mm sample notch and thin wall cannula for larger core and
Tender For tender for supply of 69 laboratory reagents - albumin kit bcg , alkaline phosphatase kit alp , aso test , amylase kit , antihcv classets , bilirubin kit t & d , blood grouping sera anti a 10ml , blood grouping sera anti b 10ml , blood grouping sera anti d in bio clonal 10 m , calcium kit , cholesterol kit , creatinine kit , c reactive protein kit crp kit , c p k kit , c p k mb kit , esr pipatte disposable with cap , glucose god pap kit , hbvs ag austraio antigen test , hdl cholesterol kit direct , hiv test , ketodiastix strips , uristix strips , ldh kit , multistix strips , phosphrous kit , prothrombin time kit , ra test , ast sgot kit , alt sgpt kit , trigl ycerides kit , troponin t kit , urea kit bun , uric acid kit , urine pregency test , vdrl test , dengucheck kit , multicalibrator fully , acetone , chemistry control level i normal , chemistry control level ii raised , distilled water for lab 5lit , fuchest reagent , field stain a , field stain b , gram s iodine , methylene blue , safranine 0.5% , sulphuric acid 5% , sterile specimen container 20ml , vacutainer edta , vacutainer na citrate , vacutainer-na. fluoride , xylene , microscopic slides 75mm x 25mm x 1.30 , malaria card p f/p v) , hba ic test cartridges glycoslyted hb , vacutainer gel serum 4ml 13mmx75mm , lugol s iodine , widal antigen test igg/igm , normal saline laboratory , daily cleaning solutaion sens 12x15ml , lieshman s stain , total proteins kit biuret , occult blood sachest test , crp turbilatex c calibrator kit , ra turbilatex c calibrator kit , glass cover slip no 1 22mm sq 100 nos , immersion oil , ethanol
Tender For purchase of consumables items for echs iv cannula , dettol bott of 100 ml , glucometer strips one touch select , pregnancy test kit , bandaid strip , bandage triangular roll , bandage 10 cm x 4 meters , iv set , dressing set , anklet , anti sera a 10 ml bott , anti sera b 10 ml bott , anti sera d 10 ml bott , band aid , colostomy bag with flange and clamp size 50 to 57 mm with deodorant charcoal chamber , cover glass strips , disposable insulin pen needles 4mm , ecg electrodes , filter paper , gloves operation size 7 point 5 non powderd , gloves size 6 non powdered , gloves size 6 point 5 powdered , gloves size 7 non powdered , gluco strip one touch ultra pack of 50 , iv cannula with port and wings 16 g , lancet disposable with std , leishman stain solution ready to use bott of 500 ml , microscope slide , nelaton catheter 14fr , printing paper sysmex xp 100 , roller bandage 10 cm , slid glass , sterile gauze 10cm x 10cm x 8 ply , sterillium 500 ml bottle , surgical mask , esr disposable piptte , adhesive plaster , micropore 3 , glucometer strip , lumbo sacral belt all size , mersilk 3 oblique 0 , sterllium 100ml bottle , ankle wrap , dettol 500 ml bottle , hbs ag kit , hydrogen peroxyde solution 500 ml , intra venous transfusion set , comfort back support , roller bandage 5 cm , savlon liquid bott of 1 ltr , n95 mask , roller bandage 2cm , dressing sterile adhesive , sterile gauze 4 inch x 4 inch pkt of 5 , dressing medicated adhesive 25 cm x 6 cm in a single strip pack