Tender For corrigendum : providing and errecting 1.80m high chainlinkfencing supported on ms angle for plantation 2 at compt. no. 497 jewali pimpalgaon beat (10 ha) in umarkhed range in pusad forest divison. (length-1200rmt.)
Tender For corrigendum : providing and errecting 1.80m high chainlinkfencing supported on ms angle for plantation at compt. no. 495 penda beat (10 ha) in umarkhed range in pusad forest divison. (length-1200rmt.)
Tender For corrigendum : construction of protection hut with chainlinkfencing at. survey no. 28_3 marwadi kh beat, belora round in marwadi range in pusad forest division.
Tender For construction of gichainlinkfencing boundary wall at belda stadium ground at north side, at mouza-susinda, jl no-320, plot no-422,423,427,428,429,430,431,437,438 and 442, kh no-3176 under belda-ii within narayangarh ps
Tender For repairing and replacing of existing damaged barbed wire fencing with ucr chainlinkfencing at e block ( near fateh forging ) dtc room and open plot under o&m bhosari division, dist-pune
Tender For providing of facility management services - lumpsum based - forest land; providing barbed wire with chainlinkfencing; consumables to be provided by service provider (inclusive in contract cost)
Tender For providing and laying of chainlinkfencing work at kalak tartar old bagh kharu providing and laying of cement concrete at ram bagh kharu main khul and plantation work at kharu sahib area of leh forest range under distt plan