Tender For supply of spares for environment area radiation monitor - low voltage card section , high voltage module type , area gamma radiation indicating meter with auto ranging type , mains transformer with line filter card type , detector assembly , 6 digit degital electromagnetic counter 12 v , photo-multiplier tube
Tender For supply of lab reagents for btd - abo forwarding grouping with rh grouping and direct antiglobulin dat test by column agglutination technology , abo rh forward and reverse grouping card by column agglutination technology , liss comb card by column agglutination technology , anti human igg card column agglutination technology , red cell diluent for preparation of red cell suspension for column agglutinatio technology , pooled cell o for column agglutination tehnology , a and b blood cells reverse typing for column agglutination technology pack of 2 vials , serum anti h , serum anti a1 , serum anti d igg igm for saline test tube , serum heam agglutination gp b anti a , serum heam agglutination gp a anti b , serum heam agglutination gp o anti ab , filter paper 100 per kit , micropipettes tipsvariable volume 5 to 200 ul
Tender For (1)supply of high availability single section digital axle counters(hassdac) with dual sensor system as per rdso spec. no:rdso/spn/177/2012 (ver.3) with dual track sensor device or latest amended up to date of tender opening. this includes the supply of high frequency web mounting type tx coil/rx coil- 04 nos., vr/prbox duly wired-02 nos., vital relays-04 nos., pr relays- 04 nos., clamp with deflector plates & hardware- 08 nos., dual display reset box with auto resetting facility- 02 nos., surge voltage protection d evices and filter card to be mounted on din rail etc- 02 nos. for complete installation & testing & commissio ning of (hassdac) system. note: one set of hassdac system will include equipment required to monitor one up line or one dn line of a full block section between two stations. (2) installation, testing & commissi oning of high availability single section digital axle counter (hassdac), single section type system complet e with track devices and other associated accessories to be ensured by oem. this include fixing of device, r elays, wiring, lacing/dressing, cable termination with lug eyelet, drilling holes in rails, installation of track d evices and make it functional along with existing ufsbi/block instrument. material required other than supp ly item of hassdac in item no. 1 above shall be arranged by firm to make it functional. [ warranty perio d: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of mass tech make battery charger spares - tender for supply of i p surge protectin network mt 130 , condensor fuse 63a , ffd card for battery charger mt 111 , led module indicating lamps 25o v acred , led module indicating lamps250 vyellow , led indicating lamp 230v ac blue , 0-500 volt meter , ac contactor 4a 415 ac 3th3022e , hrc fuse link 2a p/n 2a mass-tech , ammeter 0-60a 96x96mm ae , contactors mnx70 , relay 36-60 mn 5 l&t , thyristor p/n t125d160 mastec , diode 150a 1600piv 150nd160 , fuse 125a let 150v dc 280v ac , bleeder resistor 300 ohms 300w , filter condensor masstech battery charge , hrc fuse 32 a , potentiometer 10k 3w , 3 phase scr controller mt 103 , high voltage phase fail circuit , wide band led indicating lamp color red , silicon blocking diode p n 250a 1600 piv , monitoring controllingunit 80 300v dc , can rs485 converter usv 1 , buzzer card p n mt 122 , battery current limiting circuit mt-110 , dc earth fault circuit mt 107 , 12v power supply card p n lrs 35 12 , load voltage dropping diodes 162a
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : supply of lab reagents - haematology thiazin stain concentrate dilutes in 500 ml when prepared pack of 200 ml , haematology reagent a buffer ph 6.8 concentrate dilutes in 5 ltrs when prepared pack of 30 ml , haematology reagent a buffer ph 7.2 concentrate dilutes in 5 ltrs when prepared pack of 30 ml , haematology eosin stain concentrate dilutes to 500 ml when prepared pack of 220 ml , haematology aeroix additive for meoh pack of 135 ml , cartridge no 12a for hp laserjet , occult blood test rapid , reticulocyte stain ready to use , rapid procalcitonin test , scrub typhus igm rapid test kit , typhoid rapid test card for igg and igm antibodies , vdrl rpr rapid card ict based , leptospira rapid test card for igg igm antibodies , widal kit 4x5 ml th ,to, ah, bh , ra factor latex agglutination test , antistreptolysin o test latex agglutination principle, complete with control serum , c reactive protein kit for 50 tests , kits for tumour markers beta hcg kits for elisa 96 wells , vdrl antigen rpr latex pkt of 1 x 5 ml , serum ferritin elisa kit kit of 96 tests , kits for tumour markers afp kits for elisa 96 wells , kits for tumour markers psa kits for elisa 96 wells , kits for tumour markers ca 19.9 kits for elisa 96 wells , kit for torch test having kits for toxoplasma for igm kits for elisa 96 wells , kit for tumour marker ca 15.3 kit for elisa 96 tests , kit for torch test having kits for rubella for igg kits for elisa 96 wells diesse , kit for torch test having kits for rubella for igm kits for elisa 96 wells , kit for torch test having kits for toxoplasma for igg kits for elisa 96 wells , canca elisa kit kit of 96 test , hav igm elisa kit kit of 96 tests , panca elisa kit kit o f 96 tests , ige elisa kit kit of 96 tests , kits for tumour markers cea kits for elisa 96 wells , kit for torch test having kits for cmv for igg kits for elisa 96 wells , kits for tumour markers ca 125 kit for elisa 96 wells , kit for torch test having kits for cmv for igm kits for elisa 96 wells , kit for torch test having kits for herpes for igg kits for elisa 96 wells , kit for torch test having kits for herpes for igm kits for elisa 96 wells , anti nuclear antibody elisa detection kit with 96 wells. , anti-ds dna elisa kit kit of 96 tests , hev igm elisa kit kit of 96 tests , , hiv elisa kit for both hiv 1 antigen and hiv 1 and 2 antibodies kit for 96 tests , acla igg elisa 96 test kit , acla igm elisa 96 test kit , hla a ssp 20 test , hla b ssp 20 test kit , hla dr ssp test, 20 test kit , hla b- 27 ssp 96 test , anti hla negative control 0.5 ml vial , anti hla positive control 0.5 ml vial , rnase decontaminant spray, bottle of 250 ml , light cycler 480 sealing foil pack of 100 foil , dna molecular ladder 100 bp vial of 200 micro ltr , dnase and rnase free sterile microcentrifuge tube 1.5 ml 500 tube pack , genomic dna extraction for hla typing with uv spectrophotometere a 260 280 ratio for ectracted dna being 1.8 and with batch certificate of analysis coa , microtips 200 microliters with filter sterile box of 96 tips , taq polymerase 5 unit micro lit 50 microliters vial , lymphoprep solution pack of 500ml , invitrogen fetal bovine serum size 500 ml , phosphate buffer saline q3 , 10x tbe buffer pack of 500 ml , micropipettes sterile filter tips for 0.2 to 10 micro ltr pack of 96 10 extended length tarsons , sterile terasaki plates of 72 well , rpmi 1640 bottle of 250 ml , micro pcr hbv test kit , micro pcr hcv test kit , serum anti human globulin , serum anti d igg polyclonal , serum anti -h , serum anti-a1 , anti human igg card column agglutination technology , liss combs card by column agglutination technology , abo forward grouping with rh grouping and direct antiglobulin dat test by column agglutination technology , abo rh forward and reverse grouping card by column agglutination technology , a and b blood cells reverse typing for column agglutination technology pack of 2 vials , pooled cell o for column agglutination te
Tender For bid to ras supply of dglp re 214 - prothrombin time reagents to give control of 10 to 14 secs , keto diastix bottle of 50 strips , alcohol dehydrated ethanol , paper filter square greens no 795 51cmx51cm pkt of 100 , replaces glass cover microscopic rectangular pv 16442 22x50 mm made of usp no 1 glass pkt of 14 gm , glass cover microscopic rectangular pv 16446 22 x 40 mm made of usp no 1 glass pkt of 14gm , cled agar with thymol blue , creative protein kit for 50 tests , antistreptolysin o test latex agglutination principle complete with control serum , anti nuclear antibody elisa detection kit with 96 wells , troponin t test card , micropipettes tips for 1 to 200 ul , microscope bulbs , paracheck for pv or pf kit of 50