Tender For construction of high lift pump house, 450 cum ohr along with soil investigationwork, boundary wall and laying of rising main under augmentation of barjora water supply scheme (left out mouzas of barjora block under b.r.g.f phase -i) (zone-iii)
Tender For providing of hiring of consultants - milestone/deliverable based - soil investigation and contour survey; soil investigation and contour survey; yes; hybrid(as specified in scope of work)
Tender For construction of sos mess with 21 suits for shq bsf hq bsf kashmir i/c water supply sanitary installation development and electrical work. sh. soil investigation.
Tender For construction of 120 men barrack for bn hq at shq kupwara i/c water supply sanitary installation development and electrical work. sh. soil investigation.
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - soil investigationwork for provision of workshop laboratory cum class room under pm shri yojana at kv school ranikhet
Tender For soil boring and geotechnical sub-soil investigationwork for the work of construction of a new academic building at fakir chand college, diamond harbour, south 24 parganas
Tender For general-general education department- annual plan 2021-22 construction of school building for government girls higher secondary school and vocational higher secondary school irinjalakuda -soil investigationwork-work-general civil work
Tender For preparation of detailed project report along with topographical survey, soil investigation, traffic survey and axle load survey etc related to the work kharikamathani to dhumsai road from 0.00 kmp to 20.00 kmp for the work of strengthening