Tender For repair of lab no h-12 and h-13 due to fire incident in the deptt of haematology , level-5, research block b , sec-12,pgimer composite work sh civil and electrical work
Tender For supply of (2024-25 ami code-32.65) haematology eqa - monthly or biweekly test for less than or equal to11 parameters, pack size - 3 x 2 ml/ pack
Tender For providing of selection of laboratories for testing of products/material - 3 part automated haematology analyzer; buyer to use custom filter to input technical specification of the product/material so that service provider may provide price offering accordingly; ..
Tender For corrigendum : procurment of lab reagents - cled agar , kit for estimation of cpk , prothrombin time reagents , pttk reagent , occult blood test , d dimer ichroma , kit for estimation of cpk-mb , pt reagent , biofix cytofix spray , pa colifrom kit , snap pack for eletrolyte analyser , kit for csf microprotien , transasia erba h360 control , transasia erba h360 calibrator , transasia erba h360 elit h clean , transasia erba h360 lyse , transasia erba h360 dil , haematology 5 part h560 lyse 1 , haematology 5 part h560 lyse 2 , heamatology 5 part h560 diluent 1 , transasia erba h560 control , combi disk gn1 abst , combi disk gn2 abst , combi disk gp1 abst , erba wash kit , uristix albumin and glucose , surgical spirit , band aid , kit for lipase , microscope lens cleaning solution , haematoxylin and eosin stain , pencil marking glass , hba1c fully automated em 200 xl system pack , ckmb fully automated em 200 xl system , anti hev , ldh fully automated em 200 xl system pack , ada fully automated em 200 xl system pack , erba norm kit fully automated em 200 xl system pack , erba path kit fully automated em 200 xl system , xl multical fully automated em 200 xl system pack , mac conkey broth powder , micro albumin , micro protein , cytochrome stain kit , erba auto wash , erba auto wash fully automated , anti hav