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Hardboard Scrap Tenders

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State Government

CTN :38920541 Due date: 30 Jan, 202530 Jan, 2025 60.00 Lacs
Tender For rate contract of stationery items at different units at rajuvas bikaner - zerox paper per pack of 500 sheet mill packed, 75 gsm, size a-4, zerox paper per pack of 500 sheet mill packed, 75 gsm, size fs, zerox paper per pack of 500 sheet mill packed, 75 gsm, size a-3, executive bond paper ream 500 sheet pkt. mill pkd a4 size 100gsm, office file with (handmade card sheet) laces of 81 cms standard size and fabrication dully printed " rajasthan university of veterinary & animal sciences, bikaner" together with other necessary matter as per specimen given by office., correcting fluid ink superior quality mill pkd(a) correction pen, gum paste 700 ml pack superior quality, gum paste 300ml pack superior quality, register ( ruled) different pages 60 gms size 8"x13", 160 pages, register ( ruled) different pages 60 gms size 8"x13", 200 pages, register ( ruled) different pages 60 gms size 8"x13", 240 pages, carbon paper 100 sheets in a pkt. dully punched printed rajuvas, bikaner, original mill pkd. pencil carbon (size 210 mm x330 mm), carbon paper 100 sheets in a pkt. dully punched printed rajuvas, bikaner, original mill pkd. pencil carbon (size 420 mm x 330 mm), file pad size 10" x 15" having straw board of 280 or with paper pasted on both sides duly printed wide half of binding cloth duly pasted or thick cover with 36" long white tape of " with (till more) to be inserted in between card board and papers, dak pad four folding good quality, craft paper envelopes 9" x4 ", craft paper envelopes 11" x 5", craft paper envelopes 14" x 11", white envelopes 9" x 4", white envelopes 11" x 5", window white envelops 9" x 4", window white envelops 11" x 5", cloth line envelopes of superior quality ledger paper (new cloth) 10" x 5", cloth line envelopes of superior quality ledger paper (new cloth) 11" x 4 ", cloth line envelopes of superior quality ledger paper (new cloth) 11"x 6", cloth line envelopes of superior quality ledger paper (new cloth) 12" x 10", cloth line envelopes of superior quality ledger paper (new cloth) 14" x 16", cloth line envelopes of superior quality ledger paper (new cloth) 18" x 14", cloth line envelopes of superior quality ledger paper (new cloth) 16" x 12", envelopes superior quality ledger paper (laminated) 10" x 5", envelopes superior quality ledger paper (laminated) 11" x 4 " , envelopes superior quality ledger paper (laminated) 11"x 6", envelopes superior quality ledger paper (laminated) 12"x 10", envelopes superior quality ledger paper (laminated) 14"x 11", envelopes superior quality ledger paper (laminated) 14"x 16", envelopes superior quality ledger paper (laminated) 18"x 14", envelopes superior quality ledger paper (laminated) 16"x 12", heat processed laminated envelopes 12 x 10 , heat processed laminated envelopes 14 x 16 , heat processed laminated envelopes 16 x 12 , box type cloth line envelopes 10" x 12" x 4", box type cloth line envelopes 17" x 13" x 4", o.h.p. sheet size a4, 125 microcon 100 sheet pkt, o.h.p. sheet size a-3 , 125 microcon 100 sheet pkt., colour paper for photstate ream size a-4, 500 sheet 90 gms all colour, high quality paper gloss suitable for use on inkjet printer a4 size ream 180gsm, high quality paper gloss suitable for use on inkjet printer a4 size ream 200gsm, high quality paper gloss suitable for use on inkjet printer a4 size ream, 250gsm, glue stick 15 gm mill pkd, file tag 8" 100 nos each bundle mill pkd, u-pin big size 35mm pkt mill pkd, all pin pkt. 100 gm 26mm mill pkd, all pin(t -type) pkt. 100 gm 26mm mill pkd, stamp pad big size mill pkd, stamp pad medium size mill pkd, stamp pad ink 50 ml mill pkd, industrial brown tape 2" 45 mtr. mill pkd, industrial brown tape 1" 45 mtr. mill pkd, transprant tape 1" 45 mtr mill pkd, transprant tape 2" 45 mtr mill pkd, transprant tape " 45 mtr mill pkd, white board marker pen superior quality, permanent marker pen superior quality, cd-dvd/ohp marker pen superior quality, glass maker pen superior quality, pin cusion mill pkd magnet & cr

State Government

CTN :38920969 Due date: 01 Feb, 202501 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For annual tender 2025 26 for printing press and stationary udhyog > - safed kagaj 43x69cm./10 k.g., safed kagaj 43x69cm./9.00 k.g., safed kagaj 18x23inch/10.500 k.g., safed kagaj 18x23inch/9.00 k.g., ledger paper 43x69cm./11.9 k.g., colour print paper 43x69cm./7.0 k.g., colour print paper 18x23inch/6.5 k.g., rulled paper 13.5x17inch/4.5 k.g., cover paper 23x36inch/21.0 k.g., craft paper 36x46inch/41.0 k.g., immitation sheet 50x75cm., pulp board 22x28inch/11.9 k.g., pulp board 22x28inch/8.9 k.g., pulp board 22x28inch/17.3 k.g., straw board yellow 91 dkg (32-ons), straw board 68 dkg (24-ons), straw board 45 dkg (16-ons), offset printing ink black (1 kg. pack me), offset printing ink rad blue (1 kg. pack me), numbering ink (red & black), binding cloth 42" panaa, tune dhaga 10 no. (6 card 800 mtr me), fevicol (1 kg. pack me), maida (5 kg. pack me), nilaa thotha (1 kg. pack me), poly master umr/ulr legal size (100 nos. per packet), fount solution (5 ltr pack me), benzine (5 ltr pack me), mobile oil 20/40 no. (1 ltr pack me), delete (100 grm pack me), dempning cloth 160 m.m., dempning cloth 90 m.m., sponz, kating machin chhuri me dhaar 42", blancket 4 plai 15x20", stepler pin (24/6) (1000 nos. per packet), perforeting pin (100 nos. per packet), file less, sutli, roller wash, rin sabun/surf excel

State Government

CTN :38911400 Due date: 05 Feb, 202505 Feb, 2025 25.00 Lacs
Tender For supply of offset printing material for central jail ujjain - rangeen paper patla pamplet chhapne hetu (size 43 x 69), safed kagaj (size 43 x 69) (9 kg.), ledger paper (size 43 x 69) (12.2 kg.), lamination sheet (size 20 x 30) (18.1 kg.), spunch, impression sheet (size 15 x 20), black colour ink (offset machine), straw board khaki 16,24,32 ons me (as per req.) (10-10 bundle), khaki kagaj (brown paper), fountain chemical, touch nova (nowa dom delete), roller blanket leather, master paper, jelly, fevicol, binding dhaga, mandi (diamond paste), machine cleaner, binding cloth role (20 mtr. wala), alanki bolt, soft chimte, main spring role, roller cap, blanket soft screw, chain spoket, spring bolt wiser, bairing 6203, offset drive, file board, dumping cloth role, golden & cofpar imulsion, sabhi tarah ke water colour, canwas, poster colour 16 rang wala, maida, rangeen card sheet, blanket roller, offset cutter blade dhar, stainer black teracota, file pad dori (naadi), hansil cloth, sutli

CTN :38883242 Due date: 03 Feb, 202503 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of file straw board superior quality

CTN :38872327 Due date: 03 Feb, 202503 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of form no. e-223/ef-1. field book. book of 100 leaves.1)unit- number of books, 2)size: 1 07x152mm,plus/minus 5mm,3) printing paper: white map litho 60 gsm, i.s. no. 1848/part(1) 2018 or l atest amendment,4) printing-both side in black ink, printing matter to be collected from consignee, 5) binding- half bound . straw board binding centre two stitching by 20 gauge wire 6) sample- one sampl e for printing, binding and finishing to be got approved from consignee before bulk printing ,7) packing : each pack will contain twenty plus twenty total forty books. each twenty books packing must be wra pped in more than 50 micron transparent poly propylene foil or bag as suitable as approved by govt. and packed in suitable size of five ply corrugated cartoon box with proper label (printing size 48pt.) of p.l. no., form no. & serial no. if any special condition:- quantity is in number of books and material to be supplied in book. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]

CTN :38872328 Due date: 03 Feb, 202503 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of form no. g-17/gl-18. departmental ledger book. book of 200 leaves. serial number fro m 1 to 200. 1)unit-number of books,2)size- 215x305mm , plus/minus 5mm, 3)printing paper - white m ap litho 60 gsm, i.s no. 1848/part(1)2018 or latest amendment. 4)printing- one side and numbering in black ink, printing matter to be collected from consignee, 5)binding-cover of straw board of 68 dkg (1 350 gsm) is no 2617/67 grade-a section sewing using two cloth tape. 6) sample- one sample for print ing, binding and finishing to be got approved from consignee before bulk printing. 7) packing- bundle of 10 nos with proper label (printing size 48pt) of p.l no, form no. & serial no and cartoon serial. [ wa rranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]

CTN :38720980 Due date: 20 Jan, 202520 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of from no. si-22&24/s&t-ib-inspection book signal and block failure, book of 102 leaves, 1)unit- number of books, 2)size-215x305mm, plus/minus 5mm, 3)printing paper- white map litho 60 g sm, i.s no. 1848/2018 or latest amendment. 4) printing- (a) page serial number from 1 to 200, serial 1, 2,3 & 28 with separate printing matter in one side only, remaining serial in both side, serial 1 to 28 on bottom (middle), serial 29 to 200 on top right hand corner of front page & top left hand corner of back page, separate printing matter for each page from page 1 to 28, (b) both side with separate printing m atter for each leave from page 29 to 124 are same and both side with same printing matter for each le ave from page 125 to 200 are same and (c) title matter to be printed on brown paper and to be paste d on the front cover. all printing in black ink, printing matter to be collected from consignee, 5)binding - side two stitching by 20 gauge wire with straw board cover of 45dkg(893gsm) of i.s no 2617/67 qua rter bound flush cut brown paper to be pasted on both side, 6)sample:- one sample for printing, bindin g and finishing to be got approved from consignee before bulk printing, 7) packing: each pack will con tain ten plus ten total twenty books. each ten books must be wrapped in more than 50 micron transpa rent poly propylene foil or bag as suitable as approved by govt. and packed in suitable size of five ply corrugated cartoon box with proper label of p.l.no., form no. & serial no. if any.special condition:- qu antity is in number of books and material to be supplied in book. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
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