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Hcl Acid Tenders

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Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :38678001 Due date: 28 Jan, 202528 Jan, 2025 140
Tender For corrigendum : supply and installation of medical laboratory equipments on cost per reportable test (cprt) basis to biochemistry, pathology and microbiology at central laboratory at kodagu institute of medical sciences karnataka for the period of 05 years - hcv rapidkoimsmdk, hbsag rapidkoimsmdk, hiv rapidkoimsmdk, ddimerkoimsmdk, serum testosteronekoimsmdk, estradiol e2koimsmdk, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate dheaskoimsmdk, progesteronekoimsmdk, insulinkoimsmdk, cpeptide c peptide connecting peptidekoimsmdk, pthparathormonekoimsmdk, cortisolkoimsmdk, prolactinkoimsmdk, follicle stimulating hormone fshkoimsmdk, luteinizing hormone lhkoimsmdk, adrenocorticotropic hormone acthkoimsmdk, carcinoembryonic antigen ceakoimsmdk, calcitoninkoimsmdk, cancer antigen 153 ca 153koimsmdk, cancer antigen 199 ca 199koimsmdk, cancer antigen 125 ca 125koimsmdk, human chorionic gonadotropin hcg beta hcgkoimsmdk, alpha fetoprotein afpkoimsmdk, prostatespecific antigen psa freekoimsmdk, prostate specific antigen psa totalkoimsmdk, beta 2 microglobulin b2m b2 microglobulinkoimsmdk, drug sensitivity test for cerebrospinal fluid csf all body fluids bloodurineascitespleural fluidspus sputum etckoimsmdk, automated blood culture and sensitivitykoimsmdk, culture and sensitivitykoimsmdk, thyroglobulinkoimsmdk, thyroid stimulating hormone tshkoimsmdk, tetraiodothyronine t4koimsmdk, triiodothyronine t3koimsmdk, t3 t4 tsh thyroid function test tftkoimsmdk, calcitriol 25 hydroxycholecalciferol vitamin d3 assay vit d3koimsmdk, magnesiumkoimsmdk, chloridekoimsmdk, vitamin b12 assaykoimsmdk, serum ferritinkoimsmdk, serum ironkoimsmdk, lipid profile total cholesterol ldl hdltriglycerideskoimsmdk, rheumatoid factor rh factor testkoimsmdk, adakoimsmdk, liver function test lftkoimsmdk, kidney function test kftkoimsmdk, glycosylated haemoglobin hba1ckoimsmdk, blood gas analysis arterial blood gas abgkoimsmdk, troponin tkoimsmdk, troponin ikoimsmdk, cpk mb ck mb masskoimsmdk, acid phosphatasekoimsmdk, alkaline phosphatasekoimsmdk, lactate dehydrogenase ldhkoimsmdk, prothrombin time pt international normalized ratio inrkoimsmdk, creatine phosphokinase cpkcreatine kinase ckkoimsmdk, glucose tolerance test gttkoimsmdk, triglycerideskoimsmdk, anemia profilekoimsmdk, serum ammoniakoimsmdk, serum electrolyteskoimsmdk, serum potassiumkoimsmdk, serum sodiumkoimsmdk, serum magnesiumkoimsmdk, serum lactatekoimsmdk, serum lipasekoimsmdk, serum amylasekoimsmdk, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase sgot aspartate aminotransferase astkoimsmdk, serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase sgpt alanine aminotransferase altkoimsmdk, total protein albuminglobulin ratio ag ratiokoimsmdk, serum phosphoruskoimsmdk, serum calcium totalkoimsmdk, glucose fasting and ppkoimsmdk, total iron binding capacitykoimsmdk, serum cholesterolkoimsmdk, albuminkoimsmdk, body fluid csfascitic fluid etcsugar protein etckoimsmdk, c reactive protein crp quantitativekoimsmdk, c reactive protein crpkoimsmdk, serum bilirubin total and directkoimsmdk, serum uric acidkoimsmdk, urine total proteinskoimsmdk, urine occult bloodkoimsmdk, urine ketoneskoimsmdk, serum creatininekoimsmdk, blood urea nitrogen bun ureakoimsmdk, urine pregency testkoimsmdk, twenty four hrs urine for proteinssodium creatinine 50 58koimsmdk, il6koimsmdk, cortisolkoimsmdkk, pro bnpkoimsmdk, anti ccp cyclic citrullinated peptidekoimsmdk, cholinesterasekoimsmdk, osmotic fragility testkoimsmdk, peripheral smear examinationkoimsmdk, differential leucocytic count dlckoimsmdk, total leucocytic countkoimsmdk , sickling testkoimsmdk, blood glucose random blood glucose fasting blood glucose ppkoimsmdk, bt and ctkoimsmdk, platelet countkoimsmdk, retic countkoimsmdk, coombs dctkoimsmdk, coombs ictkoimsmdk , blood grouping and rh typingkoimsmdk, mantouxkoimsmdkk, water analysiskoimsmdkk, torch igmkoimsmdkk, leptopsira ictkoimsmdk , activated partial thromboplastintime apttkoimsmdk, ot envoirmental swab culture swabkoimsmdk , mantouxkoimsmdk, water analysiskoims

Central Government And Public Sector

CTN :38558766 Due date: 24 Jan, 202524 Jan, 2025 108
Tender For corrigendum : for the supply and installation of medical laboratory equipments on cost per reportable test (cprt) basis to biochemistry, pathology and microbiology at central laboratory at chamarajnagar institute of medical sciences karnataka for the period of 05 years - syphilis rapid cims, hcv rapid cims, hbsag rapizd cims, hiv rapid cims, d-dimer cims, serum testosterone cims, estradiol (e2) cims, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (dheas) cims, progesterone. cims, insulin cims, c-peptide (c peptide / connecting peptide) cims, pth(parathormone) cims, cortisol cims, prolactin cims, follicle stimulating hormone (fsh) cims, luteinizing hormone (lh) cims, adrenocorticotropic hormone (acth) cims, carcinoembryonic antigen (cea) cims, calcitonin cims, cancer antigen 15.3 (ca 15.3) cims, cancer antigen 19.9 (ca 19.9) cims, cancer antigen 125 (ca 125) cims, human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg)/ beta hcg cims, alpha fetoprotein (afp) cims, prostate-specific antigen (psa) -free cims, prostate specific antigen (psa)- total. cims, beta 2 microglobulin (b2m) /b2 microglobulin cims, drug sensitivity test for cerebrospinal fluid (csf) / all body fluids (blood/urine/ascites/pleural fluids/pus /sputum, etc) cims, automated blood culture and sensitivity cims, thyroglobulin cims, thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh) cims, tetraiodothyronine t4 cims, triiodothyronine- t3 cims, t3, t4, tsh -thyroid function test (tft) cims, calcidiol / 25 hydroxycholecalciferol / vitamin d3 assay (vit d3) cims, magnesium cims, chloride cims, vitamin b12 assay. cims, serum ferritin cims, serum iron cims, lipid profile. (total cholesterol, ldl, hdl, triglycerides) cims, rheumatoid factor / rh factor test cims, ada cims, liver function test (lft) cims, kidney function test (kft) cims, glycosylated haemoglobin (hba1c) cims, blood gas analysis / arterial blood gas (abg) cims, troponin t cims, troponin i cims, cpk mb/ ck mb mass cims, acid phosphatase cims, alkaline phosphatase cims, lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) cims, prothrombin time (pt)/ international normalized ratio (inr) cims, creatine phosphokinase (cpk)/creatine kinase (ck) cims, glucose tolerance test (gtt) cims, triglycerides cims, anemia profile cims, serum ammonia cims, serum electrolytes cims, serum potassium cims, serum sodium cims, serum magnesium cims, serum lactate cims, serum lipase cims, serum amylase cims, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (sgot) / aspartate aminotransferase (ast) cims, serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (sgpt) / alanine aminotransferase (alt) cims, total protein albumin/globulin ratio (a/g ratio) cims, serum phosphorus cims, serum calcium total cims, glucose (fasting & pp) cims, total iron binding capacity cims, serum cholesterol cims, albumin. cims, body fluid (csf/ascitic fluid etc.)sugar, protein etc. cims, c reactive protein (crp) quantitative cims, c reactive protein (crp) cims, serum bilirubin total & direct cims, serum uric acid cims, urine total proteins cims, urine occult blood cims, urine ketones cims, serum creatinine cims, blood urea nitrogen (bun) / urea cims, twenty four hrs urine for proteins,sodium, creatinine 50 58 cims, blood glucose random / blood glucose fasting / blood glucose pp cims, activated partial thromboplastintime (aptt) cims, packed cell volume (pcv) cims, dengue elisa cims, syphilis clia cims, hcv clia cims, hbsag clia cims, hiv clia cims, pct cims, chickengunya rapid cims, malaria rapid cims, dengue rapid cims, absolute eosinophil count (aec) cims, complete haemogram/cbc, hb,rbc count and indices,tlc, dlc, platelet, esr, peripheral smear examination cims, cbc cims, total red cell count with mcv,mch,mchc,drw cims, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (esr) cims, haemoglobin (hb) cims, stool occult blood cims, automated semen analysis cims, stool routine and microscopy cims, urine routine- ph, specific gravity, sugar, protein and microscopy cims

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38743031 Due date: 21 Jan, 202521 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : e- tender for rate contract for supply of quality controls for laboratory services for u. n. mehta institute of cardiology and research centre (affiliated to b. j. medical college & nabh accredited) ahmedabad, gujarat, india. - glucose, 1 ml, ce approved, urea, 1 ml, ce approved, creatinine, 1 ml, ce approved, bilirubin total, 1 ml, ce approved, bilirubin direct, 1 ml, ce approved, s.g.p.t/a.l.t, 1 ml, ce approved, s.g.o.t/a.s.t, 1 ml, ce approved, alkaline phosphatase, 1 ml, ce approved, total protein, 1 ml, ce approved, albumin, 1 ml, ce approved, calcium, 1 ml, ce approved, magnesium, 1 ml, ce approved, lipase, 1 ml, ce approved, cpk mb, 1 ml, ce approved, ck, 1 ml, ce approved, amylase, 1 ml, ce approved, cholesterol, 1 ml, ce approved, triglyceride, 1 ml, ce approved, hdl, 1 ml, ce approved, apo a1, 1 ml, ce approved, apo b, 1 ml, ce approved, phosphorus, 1 ml, ce approved, uric acid, 1 ml, ce approved, hs crp, 1 ml, ce approved, crp quantitation, 1 ml, ce approved

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38988347 Due date: 08 Feb, 202508 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of urea kit , creatiwnine kit , uric acid 5x40 ml , cholesterol 5 x 40 ml , direct hdl kit , triglyceride 5 x 40 ml , bilirubin kit , calcium kit 10 x 12 ml , sgot kit , sgpt kit , alp kit , glucose kit 5 x40 ml , total protein kit , albumin kit , control norm qc , multicalibrator , unikon wash dilution

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38988536 Due date: 07 Feb, 202507 Feb, 2025 15.09 Lacs
Tender For supply of amylase , sgpt , sgot , alkaline phosphatase , ck nac , ck mb , gamma gt , glucose reagent , total protein , uric acid , urea reagent , lipase , liquicelin aptt , uniplastin pt , multi calibrator for biochemistry , glycosylated hemoglobin control reageat , total and direct , human control level-2 , human control level-3 , concentrated wash solution biosystem diatron , total iron reagent , albumin reagent , cholesterol reagent , creatinine reagent , calcium reagent , inorganic phosphorus reagent , ldh reagent , triglycerides , rf kit-turbidimetry , crp -turbidimetryor , aso reagent pack , direct hdl cholestrol


CTN :38988231 Due date: 07 Feb, 202507 Feb, 2025 7.00 Lacs
Tender For supply of urea , enzymatic creatinine , bilirubin direct , bilirubin total , alkaline phosphate , sgot-el , sgpt- el , glucose , amylase , calcium arsenazo , direct hdl , xl mutical , uric acid , triglycerides , cholestrol , phosphorus , lipase , hba1c with calibrator , ise module reagent pack , erba norm , rf with calibrator , ldh-p , iron , uibc , total protein , albumin , xl auto wash ac al , erba autowash


CTN :38074613 Due date: 24 Jan, 202524 Jan, 2025 46.86 Lacs
Tender For corrigendum : supply of reagents and kit used for pathology department - erba urea kit , erba creatinine enzymatic kit , erba cholesterol kit , erba calcium kit , erba erba uric acid kit , erba sgot kit , erba sgpt kit , erba alp kit , erba bilirubin total kit , erba bilirubin direct kit , erba glucose kit , erba multical kit , erba triglyceride kit , erba total protein , erba albumin kit , erba ldl kit , analyzer cup 01 x 500 pcs , erba ggt kit , erba hdl kit , erba hba1c with callibrator , erba amylase kit , erba lipase kit , erba ldh kit , ise module reagent pack , erba phosphorus kit , erba crp kit , erba ra rf kit , erba norm kit , erba path kit , erba autowash xl , ise cleaning solution pack , erba micro albumin kit system pack , total t3 kit 100test , total t4 kit 100test , tsh kit 100 test , prl kit 100 test , fsh kit 100 test , lh kit 100 test , total psa kit 100 test , vitamin d3 kit 1 00 test , vitamin b12 kit 100 test , disposable tips 1000 pcs x 01 pack , reaction cuvette 1000 pcs x 01 pack , system washing solution 150 ml , substrate bottle 150 ml , sample cup 1000 pcs x 01 pack , d s diluent , l d lyse , l h lyse , l n lyse , f d dye , f n dye , f r dye , probe cleanser , protime ls 2x5 ml , hiv i and ii tridot test kit rapid , anti hcv test kit rapid , hbsag test kit rapid , widal test kit slide method , hematoxylin stain 500 ml , eosin stain 500 ml , rapid pap stain kit , blood group kit a plus b plus d , tourniquet rubber 1 meter

CTN :38966123 Due date: 06 Feb, 202506 Feb, 2025 7.59 Lacs
Tender For supply of hospital laboratory items - esr disposable pipette , sodium hypochlorite solution 5 percent , urine sample collection container 50 ml sterile , deka phan laura urine strips , urine pregnancy kit , crp qualitative for latex agglutination 100 tests , dengue ns1 ag and ab duo , distilled water 5 ltr can , filter paper 9 mm round , glass cover slip microscope 22 x 22 , glucose powder , glucose reagent for semi automatic biochemistry analyser , hbsag card test , hcv card test , leishman s stain , malaria card ict compatible with pv and pf , microscope glass slide 76x26x1.2 mm , reagent for alkaline phosphatase semi automatic biochemistry analyser , reagent for bilirubin total and direct kit for semi automatic biochemistry analyser , reagent for cholesterol semi automatic biochemistry analyser , reagent for hdl cholestrol semi automatic biochemistry analyser , reagent for ldl direct semi automatic biochemistry analyser , reagent for triglyceride , reagent sgot for semi autoanalyzer , reagent sgpt for semi autoanalyzer , reagent uric acid for semi auto analyzer , rheumatoid factor for latex agglutination 100 tests , urea reagent for semi automatic biochemistry analyser , urostick albumin or sugar , vaccutainer plastic plain for serology , vacutainer edta tube , vacutainer sodium flouride tube , widal reagent toh, ah bh bid number/ & ( * ) : gem/2025/b/5826115 dated/ + : 16-01-2025 bid document/ 3 3 1 / 29

CTN :38988518 Due date: 07 Feb, 202507 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of tab , ramipril 2 point 5mg tab , vildagliptin 50mg tab , topiramate 25 mg tab , gabapentin 300mg tab , chloroquine phosphate 250 mg tab , povidone iodine sol 10 percent bottle of 100 ml , glucosamine 250mg plus chondroitin sulphate 200mg cap , baclofen 10 mg tab , sevelamer 400 mg tab , cilnidipine 10 mg tab , trimetazidine mr 35 mg tab , entecavir 0 point 5 mg tab , esomeprazole 40 mg tab , levodopa 100mg plus carbidopa 10mg tab , tranexamic acid 500 mg plus mefenamic 250 mg tab , colostomy bag complete set , acebrophylline 100 mg tab , sitagliptin 50 mg tab plus metformin 1000 mg tab , levosulpiride 25mg tab , ursodexycholic acid 300mg tab , megestrol acetate 160mg tab , enalapril 5 mg tab , isosorbid mononitrate 20 mg tab , lacosamide 100mg tab , levosulpiride 75mg plus esomeprazole 40mg cap , nicorandil 5 mg tab , voglibose 0 point 2mg tab , trypsin and chymotrypsin enteric coated tab , silodosin 4 mg tab , carvedilol 6 point 25 mg tab , montelukast 10 mg tab , thyroxine 75 mcg tab , nitrofurantoin 100 mg cap , carbamazepine 200 mg tab , torsemide 100 mg tab , naproxen 500 mg tab , spironolactone 50 mg , bromhexine 100 ml syp , clobazam 5mg tab , pancreatine minimicrosphere with lipase 25000 cap , sevelamer 800 mg tab , calamine lotion 100 ml , gamma benzene hexachloride cetrimide lotion 100ml , rivaroxaban 20 mg tab , syp cyproheptadine , mirabegron 50 mg tab , inj rabipur vaccine 1 ml , clotrimazole 100mg , flunarizine 10 mg tab , eplerenone 25mg tab , inj darbepoetin 60 mg , pyridostigmine 60 mg tab , pentoxifylline 400mg tab , alpha ketoanalogue 200 mg tab , tacrolimus 1 mg tab , letrozole 2 point 5mg tab , betahistine 8 mg tab , propranolol tr 40 mg tab , doxepin 75 mg cap , syp iron with vitamin b 12 and folic acid bottle of 200ml syp , risperidone 4 mg tab , respule levosalbutamole 1 point 25 mg , olmesartan 40 mg tab , methylprednisolone 4mg tab , methotrexate 2 point 5 mg tab , loperamide 2mg tab , alprazolam 0 point 25 mg tab , perindopril 8 mg , alendronate sodium 70 mg tab , alfuzosin 10 mg tab , candid mouth paint , carbimazole 5mg tab , cinnarizine 25mg tab , clobetasol 0 point 05 percent oint , cyclosporine 25mg tab , diethylcarbamazine 50 mg tab , diltiazem 60 mg tab , formoterol 6mcg plus budesonide 400mcg rotacap , formoterol 12mcg plus tiotropium 18mcg dpi , gliclazide 60 mg plus metformin 500mg tab , haloperidol 5mg tab , inj denosumab solution 60 mg ml , isosorbide dinitrate 10 mg tab , leflunomide 10 mg tab , cough lozenges , prednisolone 5 mg tab , primaquine 7 point 5mg base tab , azathioprine 50 mg tab , clonidine 100 mcg tab , chlordiazepoxide 10 mg tab , clomipramine 25mg tab , quetiapine 100 mg tab , metoclopramide 10 mg tab , human insulin analogue rapid acting inj 100 iu ml 3 ml pfs , aripiprazole 10 mg tab , venlafaxine 37 point 5mg tab , tiotropium bromide 9 mcg 120 metered doses per unit inhaler , acyclovir 200 mg tab , bisoprolol 5mg tab , ondansetron 8 mg tab , acenocoumarol 4 mg tab , amantadine 100mg tab , amisulpride 200 mg tab , anastrazole 1 mg tab , bethanechol 25 mg tab , bromocriptine 2 point 5 mg tab , calcium acetate 500 mg tab , danazol 100mg tab , dicyclomine 10mg plus mefenamic acid 250mg bid details/ 2 / 118 tab , dothiepin 75 mg tab , dutasteride 0 point 5 mg tab , efavirenz 600 mg tab , imipramine 25 mg tab , indomethacin 25 mg cap , leflunomide 20 mg tab , memantine 10 mg tab , methotrexate 5mg tab , nebivolol 5 mg tab , nevirapine 200 mg tab , norethisterone 5mg tab , prasugrel 10 mg tab , tolvaptan 15 mg tab , verapamil 120mg sr tab , warfarin 5 mg tab , zidovudine 300 mg tab , kits for estimation cholesterol erba 5x20 , kit for estimation of calcium 50 ml erba 2x50 , kit for estimation of bilirubin erba 4x60 , kits for estimation of uric acid erba 5x20 , lipase 2 x 5 erba kit , kits for estimation of protein erba 5x20 , ggt erba kit , kit for estimation of amylase erba 6x6 , kits for estimation of albumin erba 5x20 , kit for estimation of hdl cholestrol 5x 20

CTN :38966101 Due date: 06 Feb, 202506 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of lab reagents for erba em 360 - albumin system pack 10x44 ml , alkaline phosphates system pack 2x44ml oblique 2x11ml , bilirubin direct system pack 6x44ml oblique 3x22ml , bilirubintotal system pack 6x44ml oblique 3x22ml , calcium a system pack 10 x12 ml , cholesterol system pack 10x44ml , creatinine system pack 5 x 44 ml oblique 5x11 ml , direct hdl cholesterol with calibrator system pack 4x30 ml oblique 4x10 ml , direct ldl cholesterol with calibrator system pack2x30 ml oblique2x10 ml , total protein system pack 10 x 44 ml , triglycerides system pack 5x44ml oblique 5x11 ml , urea system pack 5 x 44 ml oblique5 x 11 ml , uric acid system pack 5x44 ml oblique 5x11 ml , xl multical system pack 4x3 ml , erba norm system pack 4x5 ml , erba path system pack 4x5 ml , sgot el system pack 6x44 oblique 3x22 ml , sgpt el system pack 6x44 oblique 3x22 ml , glucose system pack 10 x 44 ml , cell pack 20 ltr , stromatolyser 500ml , cell cleaner sysmax 50 ml bid number/ & ( * ) : gem/2025/b/5817548 dated/ + : 16-01-2025 bid document/ 3 3 1 / 26
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