Tender For und-iv water resources project annual maintenance of und-iv dam by supplying unskilled & skilled labour (male) for maintenance, security & flood cell operation, jungle cutting of earthen dam, drain clearance and providing & filling the empty cement bags with murrum / sand at und-iv w.r.p. for year 2025-26.
Tender For upkeeping of kadra power house and maintenance of kadra concrete dam, earthen dam, drainage gallery and appurtenant works for the period of one year
Tender For cleaning of jungle clearane and earth work of toe drain at rd 1720 m to 1810 m of left flank rajghat dam and spreading levelling of dump material of left flank of earthen dam
Tender For cleaning of jungle clearance and earth work of toe drain at rd 1570 m to 1690 m of flank rajghat dam and spresding levelling of dump material of left flank of earthen dam