Tender For application for vacant commercial space at chennai addressed to the secretary(estates), life insurance corporation of india, southern zonal office, lic building , 10th floor, 153, anna salai, chennai
Tender For application for vacant commercial space at chennai addressed to the secretary(estates), life insurance corporation of india, southern zonal office, lic building , 10th floor, 153, anna salai, chennai
Tender For dismantling of damaged structures/equipment, design, engineering, manufacture, quality surveillance, inspection & testing at suppliers works, supply, packing, forwarding to site, transportation, insurance, unloading, storage, preservation, handling at site, replacement/restoration, life extension works, civil works, erection and commissioning, trial operation including steam blowing, performance test of equipment/system and warranty of all mechanical, electrical, control & instrumentation systems, civil & other systems and handing over to the owner in an operating condition of rtps u1-210mw
Tender For 3rd party insurance cover for prtc buses for a period of one year from public sector or private non life insurance companies governed registered under rules and regulations of insurance regulatory and development authority of india irda