Tender For corrigendum : providing of calibration services - repair of cm20 particle counter tester; repair of cm20 particle counter tester; any other government approved labs / service provider; buyer premises (onsite)
Tender For repair/ installation of rfid huts enroute from chandanwari to sheshnag including installation of parshad sale counter at chandanwari and sadhu shed at sheshnag with their dismantelling and safe storage at respective camps after yatra-2025.
Tender For special repair for replacement of gi strip earthing to copper strip with chemical copper plate earthing, provn of lightening strike counter of lightening conductor system and repair of flame proof ac and unsv fitting at fasf gandhinagar mil stn
Tender For annual repair contract for hassdac (high availability single section digital axle counter) cards of g.g.tronics make installed over waltair division for a period of 02 (two) years.