Tender For special repair and replacement of overhead lt line and street light lines into ug cable and hpsb mh cfl security light into led security light at karcham in the area of age em we pooh under ge 863 ews
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - coal mines; electrical system or installation, installation and commissioning of 66kv overhead line from simra sub station to dmz pump house at rajmahal ocp; service pro..
Tender For repair/ replacement of pole, stay sets, overhead conductors and other miscellaneous work in lt overhead line at teachers colony and vishwakarma more under gm unit, nk area
Tender For repair/maintenance of lt overhead line , lt underground cable and connected items in map and 815 cetc including all outstation at suratgarh mil stn
Tender For repair / replacement of old corroded out unserviceable gi pipe lines, ci/di pipe line and repair/ replacement of broken valve pit chambers, control valves/ plastering of valve pits, cleaning of overhead tank, ug sump and connected allied works at tec