Tender For carrying out classified traffic volume count ctvc for 3 continuous days using mobile automatic traffic count and classifier survey supported by videography for peak period and toll tax collection levy per annum
Tender For corrigendum : selection of acquirer bank for fastag-anpr based multi lane free flow (mlff) user fee collection at nemili (sriperumbudur) fee plaza of walajapet-poomalle (nh-48) toll road project
Tender For corrigendum : collection of user fee through fee collecting agency on the basis of open competitive bidding in the state of rajasthan at the toll plazas located at design padampur-raisingh nagar km 39.000 to 62.920 and sattasar-bikaner km 198.500 to 267.530
Tender For corrigendum : providing of custom bid for services - rfp for selection of vendor for providing end to end issuing solution for national electronic toll collection