Tender For repair of earth work of bund r.d,0 to 385m. constructionof heads sluice and earth work of maincanal,1710m,&canal,lining work of main canal,including construction of aquaduct &fixing of11 nos. outlets of bankheta tank scheme.
Tender For ame of anaji doddakere and repair of feeder canal in davangere taluk davangere district, repair to bund of gadimakunte tank in jagaluru taluk davangere district (reserved for st category contractors only)
Tender For repair works of bund and cd work of kharland schemes in deogad taluka arising due to emergency situation tembavali kalviwadi kharland scheme tal. deogad
Tender For repair maintenance of of electrical and mechanical installation at dc(east) lm bund road shastri nagar delhi annual maintenance contract of kirloskar make dg sets
Tender For construction of 01 no. head sluice, earth work on bund and u/s & d/s approch channel of waste weir of head work, remodeling and cement concrete lining of main canal from rd 0 to 2760 m, chirbangla minor rd 0 to 930 m with construction of 2 no. d.c., 1 no. vrb, 4 no. fall, 1 no. minor head, repair of existing structure and fixing of colaba pipe of rengakhar tank scheme in block bodla of district kabirdham
Tender For renovation of h/w e/w excavtion near sluice, repair of sluice, e/w on bund, 22 cm thick dry stone pitching i/c stone chips & c.c. of main canal between rd 60 m to 2200m concrete channel of minor canal of rd 0 m to 400m and construction of new 1 no. v.r.b. in main canal of saruwat tank scheme