Tender For corrigendum : supply of sttablishment of drone forensic lab - high end forensic workstation with write blocker forensic bridge , drone fdr extraction software , portable forensic imager tool , high end pc , jtag chip-off rework station , precision toolkit , power supply , benchtop multimeter , battery discharger and analyzer , label machine , st link v2 adopter , ups 5 kva , laser jet printer , color duplex laser printer , computer workstation , data repository san nas , digital weighing machine , digital measuring tape , digital password protected storage container 90l , digital storage oscilloscope , covert forensic imaging tool , digital magnifier , thrust calculator , forensic analysis tool all in one , services
Tender For corrigendum : retender for supply and installation of special new born care unit clmc equipment under child programme for the year 2024-25 - refrigerator, pasteuriser, milk containers01, laminar air flow vertical, deep freezer, breast pump, label printer, hotair oven, bottle sealer
Tender For supply of labels and ribbon for finished products of rolling plant - ribbon for barcode printer , bar code label for rolled coils , bar code label for rolled sheets , dummy line 1 , dummy line 2
Tender For supply of professional pc interfaced label printer ( model: pt - p900w) , make: m/s. brother , self adhesive laminated tape label printer as per specification
Tender For procurement of lab reagents and consumables on pac basis - albumin bcp , alkaline phosphatase , alanine aminotransferase , aspartate aminotransferase , calcium cpc , cholesterol 2 , hdl cholesterol , ldl cholesterol , creatinine , direct bilirubin , gamma glutamyl transferase , glucose hexokinase , inorganic phosphorus , iron , lactate dehydrogenase l p , magnesium , total bilirubin , tibc , total protein , triglyceride , urea nitrogen , uric acid , haemoglobin a1c 3 , microalbumin urine , c reactive protein , rhematoid factor , transferrin , atellica ch a lyte na k c l , a lyte imt standard a , a lyte imt standrad b plus salt bridge , a lyte imt diluent , a lyte imt dilution check , atellica ci free thyroxine ft4 , atellica ci free triiodothyronine ft3 , atellica ci tsh3 ul ii , atellica ci vitamin b 12 vb12 , atellica ci vitamin d total vitd , atellica ci ferritin fer , atellica ci fsh , atellica ci luteinizing hormone lh , atellica ci prolactin prl , atellica ci testosterone ii tstii , atellica ci total hsg thcg , atellica amh , atellica ci progestrone prge , atellica ci enhanced estradiol ee2 , atellica ci psa , atellica ci free psa , atellica ci atpo , atellica ci pth , atellica ci total ige tige , atellica ci folate fol , atellica ci cortisol cor , atellica ci dhea so4 dheas , alp 2 cal , chem cal , enz 1 cal , enz 2 cal , hdlc cal , ldlc cal , a1c enz cal , crp 2 cal , microalbumin urine cal , spcl chem cal , check reagent , cleaner , conditioner , diluent , dilution cuvette , label 2 x 1 therm trans , lamp coolant , reaction cuvette , rgt probe cleaner 1 , rgt probe cleaner 2 , rgt probe cleaner 4 , wash , water bath additive , barcode labels , printer ribbon , tube top sample cup 1ml , cuvettes , sample tips , acid , base , wash 1 , apw1 , apw3 2pk , t3 t4 vb12 anc rgt 2pk , vb12 dtt rel kit , fol dtt rel kit , cal 30 2pk , cal 80 2pk , cal a 2pk , cal b 2pk , cal c 2pk , cal e 2pk , cal o 2pk , cal q 2pk , multi diluent 1 2pk , multi diluent 3 2pk , thcg diluent , ee2 dil 2pk , tlge dil 2pk , vitd dil 2pk , fol dil 2 pk , vitd qc kit 2 lev x 3 vials x 2ml , ch reagent probe , ch dilution and sample probe , ch source lamp , im reagent probe , im aspirate probe , im waste probe , ci preventive maintenance kit , atellica im active b12 quality control ab 12 qc , atellica im amh quality control , atellica im anti thyroid peroxedase qc , atellica im intact para thyroid hormone quality control