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Tender For kkrdb akshar avishkar -2023-24 purchase of tlm in aurad taluk for 50 schools - pentominoes, make a cube., bring the cat out, two congruent right triangles, the cardio tangram, tangram, place value cards, number line, geometrical solids, cuisenaire strips, make a magic coin box (25 sets), newtons cradle, reflection of light, make volume of cone & cylinder model (50 nos.), make angle sum property model (50 nos.), area formulas - triangle 1 & 2 (50 nos.), area formulas - rhombus and trapezium (50 nos.), area formulas - circle & parallelogram (50 nos.), make pythagoras theorem model (50 nos.), shapes3d (any 1 net, 50 nos.), shapes3dsetof3dnets21shapes, mathematical envelope - cardioid/nephroid/ parabola (50 nos.), learn lines of symmetry (25 sets, make fraction strips 50 nos, two congruent right angle triangle (50 sets), a+b2 + a-b2 2 a2 + 2b2 model, a+b2 - a-b2 4ab model, hexagonal section of a cube, a2 - b2 a+b a-b model, a+b+c2 model, angles of a triangle, angle sum property of a triangle, pythagoras theorem (model - 2), pythagoras theorem (model - 1), fraction strips, kaleidocycle - water and life cycle of a butterfly (50 nos.), make types of adaptations chart (50 nos.), learn camouflage adaptations (50 nos.), human blood circulatory system (25 nos.), learn phototropism (50 nos.), learn human body organs (50 nos.), microscopic structures (set of 52 charts), skeleton model - plastic, analog weigh scale 625 738, bioconnect - learning cards, periodic table chart (23 x 36), joy of chemistry., measuring tool set, chemical elements on the cards, separation of substances, why the sky is blue., simple machines, our solar system, diy wb rocket and satellite model (2 models), make a communication satellite model (50 sets), make a moon phases model (50 nos.), make a horizontal sundial model (50 nos.), make a circumpolar constellation dial (50 nos.), make a straight wing glider (50 nos.), make a arrow wing glider (50 nos.)
Tender For supply of glassware et its contents heating by electrically hot plate , apparatus for measuring the transmittance and absorba(lce of light passing through a liquid , water bath rectangular 6.hole. s.s thermostatically controlled electrically , digital electronic balance , measurement of acidity or alkalinity of q solution , preparation of hydrogen sulphide gas by kipp's apparatus , to destroy micro organisms et bacterial sporms by. 18"x18"x18" , to purify water using distillation process by boiling process , determine the indicate the total dissolve solid in a water. , melting point apparatus , apparatus for heating and tempering organic liquids placed in reaction , electrically operated determination of frequencies f electrically maintained tunning fork , measurement between two different resistance , apparatus to separate the fluids, gases, or liquid based on density , experiment for store energy and used to produce very high moment of inertia , apparatus electronic metal oxide semi conductor field effect transistor electronic , electronic device of high power voltage controlled by silicon controlled rectifiers. , digital electronic balance precise measurement of chemicals , microscope created by the reflection of light between two surface spherical surface &. an adjacent flat surface. , travelling microscope , dial type resistance box , apparat~s for measurement of the direction and power of currents. , apparatus required minimum energy &. excite an electron , digital electronic balance , weight box brass , six position microscope , electric discharge lamp using ionized sodium. , to study the input &. output characteristic of common emitter electronic , experiment to measure the refractive index of flat specimens , rheostat 200mm long , experiments of analog circuits related pulse generator , plain slides , dissecting microscope , both eyes viewing high quality image with three dimensional effect binocular microscope , to study true microscopic sized particle by monocular microscope , pathological microscope , incubator to maintain optimal temperature microbiology and monocular biology. to work on 220vac with thermostatic temp. controlled , determination of blood's content of hemoglobin. , determination of performing blood cell count a variety of cell in lab. , biological equipments for storage of bacterial cui ture growth at 37c , chromatographic investigation utilizing ultra violet fluorescence under research centre , measurement of acidity or alkalinity of a solution , to purify water using distillation boiling process. , human articulated skeleton , stationary electromagnet that creates a rotating magnetk field , electrical ovens size: 18"x18"x18" , measurement of different substances in the blood urea. blood enzymes , red blood cell indices calculator estimates the mean corpuscular volume , prepared slides cabinet teakwood capacity 500. slides , apparatus fof measufing the transmittance and absorbance of light passing through a liquid , digital electionic balance , measufement of acidity of alkalinity of a solution , detefmine the indicate the total dissolve solid in a watei , melting point appaiatlls , appafatus fof heating and tempefing ofganic liquids placed in leaction , measufe the pelcentage of watef a given substances, , detefmination of flequencies f electlical/y maintained funning fofk , appafatus to sepafate the fluids,gases, of liquid based on density , expefiment fof stofe enelgy and used to ploduce vet}' high moment of ineftia , iavelling micfoscope , dial type resistance box , appafatus fequifed minimum enefgy & excite an electfon , digital electronic balance" , rheostate 200mm long , expefiments of analog circuits related pulse generator , phenolphthalene indicatoi solutiob , methyl olange indicatoi solution , hydiochlofic acid conc , sodium hydioxide , sodium hydioxide solid , ph scale , litmus papei red , litmus papei blue , potassium peimagnate , nitiic acid conc , glyceiine , staich s
Tender For supply of sprint 25 ft , 32 amp change over , clay plaster of peris , 2 5 black bundle copper , 1 5 mm black bundle copper , vinayal fix with sun board and iron fram , paint red blue and black , reflection board 3 into 2 and 2 into 1.5 ft , 16 watt surface light , 15 amp 2 socket 5 amp 3 socket 2 on off switch board , 5 amp switch with socket set , 15 amp 1 switch socket set , entity display with cabinet , safety control , pvc pipe 100 ft , 20 amp mch , boundary mic ahuja 301m , electric board 3 into 2 feet with mcb and socket , 6 mm 2 core wiren alluminium , mcb 32 amp 2 pole , electric panel assembly