Tender For providing of hiring of third-party inspection agency - rail/road transport equipment, as per bid document in all over japan; as per bid document; nabcb, government test agency, iso,hiring of third-party inspection agency - rail/road transport equipment, as per bid document in all over india; as per bid document; nabcb, government test agency, iso
Tender For providing of hiring of creative agency - none of the above; print ads; full page; na; na; na; poster; na; hindi,hiring of creative agency - none of the above; print ads; full page; na; na; na; banner; na; hindi,hiring of creative agency - none of the above; print ads; full page; na; na; na; pamphlets; na; hindi,hiring of creative agency - none of the above; outdoor campaign - banners, hoardings, signages; na; na; na; na; munadi; na; hindi