Tender For providing of facility management services - arduino uno or compatible microprocessor and microcontroller , breadboards & mini breadboard , general purpose solderable board , 16x2 ldc display , usb cables , 9 volt battery, multiple resistors & capacitors for electronic , water pump module , 7 segment display , ir sensors obstacle sensor , ldr module , laser diode emitter , vibrating motor , bo motor with wheel , motor driver module , humidity sensor , mq-4 natural gas sensor , ultrasonic sensor , pir motion detector module , stepper motor with driver board , dc motor , 4 wheel robot car chassis kit , servo motors , diy robotic kits , diy robotic kits , set of arts & crafts accessories e.g. stationary ,items and basic prototyping , hacksaw , micro chisel set , pliers , ball pen hammer , c-clamp , allen key set , 12 piece open ended spanner set , 42 piece ratcheting screwdriver set , baby vice 60 mm , 6 piece precision screw driver set , adjustable spanner , wire strippers , screwdriver , tool set , hot glue gun , glue sticks , cables , adapters , electric screw driver set , 1800 w dual temperature heat gun , return measuring tape 5mx19mm , stainless steel 12"/150 mm rule , 150 mm/6" digital vernier caliper , 12" spirit level , digital pen electric tester , advanced drone kit- (arf) , a steam kit which allows students to explore the basic concepts of electronic circuits, sensors, logics and a quick start to programming with help of plug n play modules. , stem modular construction kits , 9 volt battery clips , 10 volt battery clips , hookup wires , jumper cable , power strip for power adaptors , standard first aid , safety goggles (with/ without led torch) , , law of inertia , glow in the dark , floating magnet , resonance , corner mirror , sympathetic swing , dna model , magnetic field tube , cone runs uphill , archimedes screw , infinity tunnel , pin screen , bumpy track , day and night mode , floating ball , how to sensor work , viscosity tubes , hand battery , color shadow , organ pipes , tornado , newton cradle , parrot & cage model , newton's disk , pythagoras model , kaleidoscope , periscope , circles or balloons , pinhole camera , maxwell's wheel , solar energy demo , simple motor , ke-pe track , delay in speech , transverse waves pendulum
Tender For lab equipment botany,chemistry,zoology,physics,geography - package1, distillation apparatus single distillation capacity 5lt, micro pipette (fixed) 1- 5 ml, water bath double wall (12 holes) stainless steel, colorimeter, heating mental with regulator cap 500 ml, autoclave portable, vortex shaker, centrifuge machine 3500 rpm, ph meter, hot air oven stainless steel, autoclave vertical 55 ltr, digital colony counter, dissecting microscope, compound microscope, binocular microscope, soxhlet extraction unit, chemical balance, digital ph meter with electrodes, heating mental (2 lt) 500 w, d o meter digital, oven universal, vaccum pump, potientio meter digital, electronic digital balance, magnetic strirrer with hot plate, spectrophotometer 340-900nm range, water and soil testing analysis kit, melting point appratus digital, bod incubator, digital thermo meter, ph meter, dissecting microscope, compound microscope, water and soil testing analysis kit, digital haemoglobino meter, screw gauge, resistance box (various length), rheostate (various length), ammeter d.c/a.c. (requied ranage), voltmeter d.c./a.c. (requied ranage), galvanometer, digital multimeter, sealss apppearatus to determine the coefficient of thermal condutivityc, sodium vapour lamp, app to study charging and discharging of a capacitor, apparatus for measurement of capacitance abd inducance using impedenace at different frequency, apparatus for measurement of wavelength of i ruler with laser complete setup, impedance and power factor of lcr circuit, serier and parallelresonance circuit, diac and triac characterstics apparatus, vernier caliper, inernier table, photo diode charaterstics apparatus, dielectric constant apparats, interior of earth, geographical terms, model of restless earth., formation of rocks, glacial landscape, three stages of river ( water cycle ), conventional signs, oxygen & carbon cycle in nature, air & water pollution, rock cycle, geomorphological models, folds & faults, geomorphological models, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nova rico, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nova rico, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nova rico, outline black board maps on p.v.c., weather maps of india (latest editions), stencil sets in english text, stencil sets in hindi text, raised relief plastic topographical maps, minerals, metallic ores, rocks, rocks forming minerals, minerals & rocks, rocks & minerals, rocks (large size), minerals (large size), clinometer compass, goniometer, mirror stereoscope, pocket stereoscope, aerial photographs, stereo atlas, astronomy fact book, times atlas of the world, bg geographical globes, bg geographical illuminated 2 in1 globe, inflatable globes, political globe with physical shading by nova rico, geographers photographs, the solar system, french curve, planimeter, pentagraph, drawing instrument box, wind wane, rain guage, ranging rods, tripod stand for ranging rods, levelling staff aluminum, levelling staff aluminum, measuring tapes 15 meter fiber glass, measuring tapes 30 meter fiber glass, measuring tapes 50 meter fiber glass, survey umbrella 7 , prismatic compass, brunton compass, plane table complete set as per survey of india pattern, 3d raised relief plastic maps by nystrom, metronome with bell witter
Tender For equipments for science lab - equipments for science lab, chemical balance, paper chromatography testing kit, ph meter digital with electrodes, melting point apparatus digital, d o meter digital, oven universal, potentiometer digital, flame photometer digital, spectrophotometer 340 900 nm, water soil testing kit digital, digital thermostate, cod digestion apparatus, bod incubator, soxhlet apparatus, polarimeter half shaded, vaccum pump, water bath, double wall, measurement of wavelength of he ne laser using ruler with laser complete setup, fiber optics trainer, study of hall effect complete setup, stop watch digital, study of active and passive filter, pulse width and pulse position modulation and demodulation trainer, study of frequency modulation and demodulation trainer, 8086 microprocessor with smps, function generator b 1 hz to 10 mhz, zener regulated power supply, impedance and power factor of lcr circuit, series and parallelresonance circuit, clipping and clamping circuit using operational amplifier, power amplifier, newtons ring apparatus complete with travelling microscope power supply and sodium lamp, stop clock, vernier caliper, travelling microscope, inertia table, photo diode characterstics apparatus, dielectric constant apparatus, complete apparatus to determine em using thomsons method, lees apparatus to determine the hear conductivity of bad conductors of different geometry, mosfet characteristic apparatus, apparatus to determine the value of planks constant complete with photocell light source set of filter and power supply, apparatus to study specific resistance and energy gap of a semiconductor., fet characteristic apparatus, transistor characteristics apparatus with built in power supply and meters, solar cell characteristic apparatus, single stage and double stage rc coupled amplifier feed back amplifier, battery charger 2 to 12 volt, apparatus to study response curve for lcr circuits and to determine the resonance frequency, study of amplitude modulation and demodulation trainer, inertia table, ph meter, autoclave vertical cap 50 lit, rotary microtome with aceesories, compound microscope, dissecting microscope, oven, water and soil testing kit, flame photometer, spectrophotomeyter 340 900 nm, research microscope, thin chromatography kit, autoclave vertical, distillation apparatus single distillation capacity 3lt, water bath double wall 12 holes stainless steel, incubator stainless steel, autoclave portable, thin layer chromatography kit, vortex shaker, centrifuge machine 3500 rpm, ph meter, hot air oven stainless steel, digital colony counter, dissecting microscope, compound microscope, binocular microscope, electronic digital balance, laminar air flow horizontal, uv single beam spectrophotometer, image projection system, backup power supply unit
Tender For corrigendum : supply, installation, testing and commissioning of solar hot water system at durva, jubilee, anant and dormitory in yashada pune.