Tender For corrigendum : comprehensive operation and maintenance of the project mainly water treatment plant, different class, type and diameter pipes, pump houses, sumps, rcc esr, h.g.l.r, sluice valves, flow meters, non-return valve, pump, motor, capacitor, l.t. panels, l.t. cables and transformer installed at headwork and sub headwork. work includes replacement of spares for all equipment and maintenance of all civil structures and all electro-mechanical installation etc. complete. including submission of periodic mis reports on software. supply of potable water in accordance, maintaining residual chlorine, bleaching powder, pac and all consumables. all type operations, preventive maintenance, overhauls and repair/ break down maintenance for civil / mechanical & electrical works. providing prescribed nos. of qualified and experienced staff for overall management of o&m work as per detailed specification & obligatory requirement for 24 months. excluding electric power, raw water cost, chlorine supply undersurendranagar integrated water supply scheme phase-2, part-a & b project, tal.-wadhwan, muli, sayla, chotila&thangadh dist.- surendranagar as per tender.
Tender For bid to ras repair of mt vehicals - clutch plate and pressure plate , release bearing , water pump assy , water pump belt adjuster , fan belt , gear shifting lever , gear box top lathe work , flywheel bolt , lock washer , propellar shaft bolt , clutch booster , clutch booster union , power steering container , power steering main pipe , power steering return pipe , hose clamp , pump injector bolt, nut bolt, washer and lock nut , clutch master cylinder , clutch pedal bolt , gear lever end long , gear lever end small , door catch , door lock , self starter overhauling by rewinding the armature assy, field coil repair and repalcement of carbon brushes , alternator overhaul , brake shoe liner rear , flywheel facing , hand brake assy with union, pipe and adaptor , windscreen glass , windscreen beading , windscreen glass fitting charges , brake booster front overhauling , brake bosster rear overhauling , gear box mounting bolt , radiator top , air compressotr main pipe , headlight relay , air horn 12v , reverse light switch , electrician labour charges for repairing all broken electrical wires, replacement of fuses and bulbs , mechanical labour charges for the removal of gear box assy, stripping, replacement of pressure plate , pa microphone mm60 , pa mixer amplifier , pa horn speaker , rotating drum light 24v , wiper motoe assy , air horn assy , horn relay pin type , penal switch , door channel , door handle with screws , door regulator , wiper blade , electrical wire red, yellow and blue , insulation tape , wire flexible sleeve , bulb 24v 41w , pto pump assy , union adaptor , mechanical labour charges for the removal of old items and fitment with new spares parts , brake light switch , electrical wire 4mm , repair of gearbox assym stripping, repair of no 2 gear slippage with necessary spare parts , ananod , clutch housing removal, repair with necessary parts and refitting , battery master switch , gear lever kit , nut bolt, washer, split pin and cotton waste , electician labour charges for reparing all broken electrical wires, replacement of fuses and bulbs
Tender For comprehensive operation and maintenance of the project mainly water treatment plant, differentclass, type and diameter pipes, pump houses, sumps, rcc esr, h.g.l.r, sluice valves, flow meters, non-return valve, pump, motor, capacitor, l.t. panels, l.t. cables and transformer installed at headwork and sub headwork including all materials and work includes replacement of spares for all equipment and maintenance of all civil structures and all electro-mechanical installation etc. complete. including submission of periodic mis reports on software. supply of potable water in accordance, maintaining residual chlorine, and all consumables. all type operations, preventive maintenance, overhauls and repair/ break down maintenance for civil / mechanical & electrical works. providing prescribed nos. of qualified and experienced staff for overall management of o&m work as per detailed specification & obligatory requirement for 03 months. excluding electric power, raw water cost and excluding chlorine gas, pac and bleaching powder under szbt-2 regional water supply schemes oftal. - ankleshwar/hansot, dist.- bharuch as per tender
Tender For special repair to building no t-23,t-9,t-6,t-10 and provn of store for fuel oil and lubricants including mechanical transport spares at gulmarg under ge 969 ews
Tender For comprehensive operation and maintenance of the project mainly water treatment plant, different class, type and diameter pipes, pump houses, sumps, rcc esr, h.g.l.r, sluice valves, flow meters, non-return valve, pump, motor, capacitor, l.t. panels, l.t. cables and transformer installed at headwork and sub headwork. work includes replacement of spares for all equipment and maintenance of all civil structures and all electro-mechanical installation etc. complete. including submission of periodic mis reports on software. supply of potable water in accordance, maintaining residual chlorine, bleaching powder, pac and all consumables. all type operations, preventive maintenance, overhauls and repair/ break down maintenance for civil / mechanical & electrical works. providing prescribed nos. of qualified and experienced staff for overall management of o&m work as per detailed specification & obligatory requirement for 24 months. excluding electric power, raw water cost, undersurendranagar integrated water supply scheme phase-2, part b project, based on sukhbhadardam tal.- sayla, dist.- surendranagar as per tender.
Tender For custom bid for services - annual maintenance contract for ground support equipment- this scope of work for is for the engagement of a technical person qualified with a minimum diploma in mechanical engineering, for the amc of ground support and equipment (gse).the technical person will be deployed to manage and maintain all gse items. the scope of workinclude preventing, maintenance, repairs the scope of work under proposed amc comprises of:- (a) painting of all items of gse at least twice in a year or whenever required will be carried out bythe contractor. the paint will be supplied by the contractor. (b) the consumables spare including lubrication oil (servo 68, air compressor lub oil), hoses,filters, cables, plugs, seals, washers, pins, circlips, brushes for painting, cleaning material (includingsoap/ detergent, cloth, rag pieces, etc), gauges, sight glass, other plastic/rubber components,adapters, wheels, tyres, bearings, bushes, beading, all jack consumable spares (o-ring, springs,metallic bearing, bushes, metallic washers & grease), required for undertaking scheduled/ periodicalservicing and repair of the gse enclosed are to be supplied by the contractor. (c) the scheduled/periodical servicing of gse as per list attached and repairs- wheneverwarranted. (d) the cost of consumable require for scheduled/ periodical servicing of gse will be borne by the contractor. (e) the contractor shall cater for one in number qualified technician(diploma in mechanica!engineering) for five days in a week for carrying out routine inspection and servicing of gse. all the maintenance and repair activities are to be undertaken by suitable qualified technical personnel and within reasonable time frame as decided mutually by customer and contractor. working hours of unit(icgae goa/ 800 sqn) will be followed by the contractor's repair/ maintenance team. the leaverelief is to be provided by the contractor well in advance and the same is to be intimated to the unit.the leave relief needs to be qualified, knowledgeable and well conversant with the available gse. (f) calibration of gauges as per servicing schedule by nabl accredited laboratory is to beundertaken within contract and calibration certificate needs to be provided. (g) hydro static test (hst) of nitrogen cylinder and lp compressor is to be undertaken withincontract, if due. (h) replacement of gauges if unserviceable is to be undertaken within contract. -msme exemption - yes | startup exemption - no
Tender For bid to ras custom bid for services - otr case for habitability maintenancerepair works onboard ins shakti--degutting of crca paneling of wc's and shower areas in js bathroom, ss bathroom and officer's bathroom along with securing arrangement at 1 dk, 2 dk, 01 dk and 02 dk water leakage observed from bathroom to passageway. renewal of crca paneling forming partition between passageway and bathroom to be undertaken. (no. of bathrooms - 10 nos approx. area - 300sqmt) sqmt renewal of foundation and securing brackets of paneling in js bathroom, ss bathroom and officer's bathroom at 1dk, 2dk, 01 dk and 02 dk view heavily corroded/ damaged/ broken. (no of bathroom - 10 nos, mat-ms, thickness- 5mm) rmt 1. . fitment of securing arrangement of wc's in js bathroom and ss bathroom view securing arrangement damaged. (no of wc's - 20 nos) nos inspection window along with frames and locking mechanism of wc's in js bathroom, ss bathroom and officer's bathroom heavily corroded/ thinned/ broken at 1 dk, 2dk, 02 dk, inspection window and locking mechanism of doors to be repaired/ renewed as per existing dimension. qty - 20nos nos repair/ renewal of bath fittings (shower head assembly/ hand bar) in js bathroom, ss bathroom and officer's bathroom as per marine standard, view defective. qty - 40 nos, material- ss nos 2. undertake repair/ renewal of wash basin taps in js bathroom, ss bathroom and officer's bathroom as per marine standard, view defective. qty- 50 nos nos 3. undertake repair/ renewal of ceramic wash basin in officer's bathroom, view defective/ cracked/ damaged. qty- 20 nos nos doors and associated fittings 4. undertake fitment of nwt doors along with door coaming and frames at various locations as per existing dimension, view door deformed/ defective (nwt door will be provided by ss. qty- 30 nos) nos 5. repair/ renewal of hydraulic door closer of nwt door in main passageway, offices and officers cabin, view door closer not working/ defective. qty - 50 nos nos main alleyway and passageway 6. renewal of aluminum strip for securing of crca panel in main rmt page 36 of 74 alleyway at various location to be undertaken as per existing dimension. qty- 200 rmt 7. undertake repair/ renewal of hand rails along with bracket in main passageway at 2 dk, 1 dk, 01 dk, 02 dk, 03 dk,& 04 dk. material - ai, qty- 200 rmt rmt messes and office spaces 8. renewal of locking arrangement of lockers/ drawers in following spaces view broken/ damaged (including hinges and associated fittings). qty -400 nos :- (a) chart table drawer in bridge and flag bridge (b) mess lockers, elsa lockers and shoe locker in all messes (c) drawers of office spaced and stores (d) pharmacy compartment, sickbay and pmo office nos 9. undertake repair/ renewal of foundation and securing bracket of locker in messes, view corroded/ damaged. material - ms & ai. qty50 nos nos 10. undertaken repair/ renewal of securing arrangement of book shelves in messes, view defective. material - wood. spares to be proved by refitting s agency. qty - 80 nos. nos 11. undertake repair of ss wash basin along with drainage arrangement in machinery workshop, electrical workshop, mechanical workshop and hull workshop. qty- 12 nos. nos 12. undertake repair of metallic furniture/ cupboard (opening door fitted with glass) in pharmacy compartment size- (184x122 & 184x 78) cm. spares to be provided by refitting agency. qty- 02 nos nos galley and dining hall 13. repair/ renewal of wash basin drain line in jsdh, ssdh, ss scullery, js scullery, officer's pantry, co's pantry & admiral pantry view blocked. choked. qty - 20 nos nos 14. undertake repair/ renewal of panel along with securing bracket in ship's galley (at deck head and bulkhead), view defective. mat- ss, qty- 50 sqmt sqmt 15. undertake repair/ renewal of ss metallic locker along with locking mechanism in ship's galley. qty- 10 nos. spares to be provided by refitting agency. nos 16. repair/ renewal of water tap in ship's galley and officer's
Tender For comprehensive operation and maintenance of the project mainly water treatment plant, different class, type and diameter pipes, pump houses, sumps, rcc esr, h.g.l.r, sluice valves, flow meters, non-return valve, pump, motor, capacitor, l.t. panels, l.t. cables and transformer installed at headwork and sub headwork. work includes replacement of spares for all equipment and maintenance of all civil structures and all electro-mechanical installation etc. complete. including submission of periodic mis reports on software. supply of potable water in accordance, maintaining residual chlorine, and all consumables. all type operations, preventive maintenance, overhauls and repair/ break down maintenance for civil / mechanical & electrical works. providing prescribed nos. of qualified and experienced staff for overall management of operation and maintenance work as per detailed specification & obligatory requirement 60 months excluding electric power, raw water cost, chlorine, pac and bleaching powder under lodhika group rwss and based on nc-12 b and nc-20 of lodhika, paddhari, rajkot and kotdasangani taluka of rajkot district for 60 months.
Tender For comprehensive operation and maintenance of the project mainly water treatment plant, different class, type and diameter pipes, pump houses, sumps, rcc esr, h.g.l.r, sluice valves, flow meters, non-return valve, pump, motor, capacitor, l.t. panels, l.t. cables and transformer installed at headwork and sub headwork including all materials and work includes replacement of spares for all equipment and maintenance of all civil structures and all electro-mechanical installation etc. complete. including submission of periodic mis reports on software. supply of potable water in accordance, maintaining residual chlorine, and all consumables. all type operations, preventive maintenance, overhauls and repair/ break down maintenance for civil / mechanical & electrical works. providing prescribed nos. of qualified and experienced staff for overall management of o&m work as per detailed specification & obligatory requirement for 3 month excluding electric power, raw water cost and excluding chlorine gas, pac and bleaching powder under gadkhol dadhal regional water supply schemes of tal.-ankleshwar dist.- bharuch