Tender For tender for supply of different equipment of structure group - rcpt test setup , concrete sample cutting and grinding machine , abrasion resistance test setup , heat of hydration apparatus , constant temperature water bath , universal automatic compactor , sieve shaker
Tender For supply of mortar mixer,mortar mixer,mortar mixer,mortar mixer,mortar mixer,abrasion resistance of concrete,abrasion resistance of concrete,abrasion resistance of concrete,abrasion resistance of concrete,abrasion resistance of concrete,drying shrinkage test apparatus,drying shrinkage test apparatus,drying shrinkage test apparatus,drying shrinkage test apparatus,drying shrinkage test apparatus,heat of hydration apparatus,heat of hydration apparatus,heat of hydration apparatus,heat of hydration apparatus,heat of hydration apparatus,immersion type needle vibrator,immersion type needle vibrator,immersion type needle vibrator,immersion type needle vibrator,immersion type needle vibrator
Tender For supply of cod digestion apparatus : make : shweta or similar. to determination of chemical oxygen d emand. it is a solid state block heated unit with provision for samples to be digested at a time in 40 mm. di a reaction vessels with 20ml. sample size to heat at temp. of 150 degree celsius +/- 1 degree celsius contr olled by microprocessor based pid digital temperature indicator cum-controller. it has provision for 15 sam ples and is supplied with 15 nos. glass reaction. vessels 200 mm. tube fitted with a 2 hour timer, the samp les after being digested for 2 hours can be analysed using calorimeter or conventional titration method. to work on 220/230 volts ac [ warranty period: 12 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of columnar heater oil 2900w 13 fin , electric blower 2000w , heat pillar 1500w two heating elements , heating apparatus two elements , tea thormos 1 ltr steel body
Tender For equipments/instruments for transportation engg. lab - equipments/instruments for transportation engg. lab, los angeles abrasion testing machine, standard sieve set, bath-heat resistant glass beaker, filter paper, lab thermometer, cylindrical metal measures, steel abrasive change, transfer dish, sample containers, sample containers, cbr testing machine, pensky martin apparatus, ring and ball apparatus, standard sieve set