Tender For kaithal town- water supply scheme for installation of 1 no. new tubewell against abandoned tubewell (due to excess sulphate as so4 (618.60 mg/lt) and fluoride found(1.55 mg/lt) tubewell in shakti nagar kaithal town tehsil and district kaithal providing and installing 1 no. tubewells of size 250mm x 200 mm upto 350 meters depth below ground level respectively by reverse rotary rig and all other works contingent thereto according to isi specification no. 2800-1991 (part-i) and is 2800-1979 (part-ii) as amended upto date
Tender For kaithal town- water supply scheme for installation of 1 no. new tubewell against abandoned tubewell (due to excess fluoride found(1.87 mg/lt) tubewell in arjun nagar kaithal town tehsil and district kaithal `providing and installing 1 no. tubewells of size 250mm x 200 mm upto 350 meters depth below ground level respectively by reverse rotary rig and all other works contingent thereto according to isi specification no. 2800-1991 (part-i) and is 2800-1979 (part-ii) as amended upto date
Tender For supply of bonding agent universal bott of 05 ml , dental nano composite restorative kit photo cure , desensitizing paste stannous fluoride , material restorative glass lonomer type ii , crown preparation kit containing 14-15 points , antiseptic mouthwash containing sodium fluoride and triclosan bott of 150 ml