Tender For supply of machines and laboratory equipment?s for mechanical engineering in the premises of government engineering college siwan - cnc lathe machine , cnc milling machine , scara robot sr4-3215 - bench top meter for measurement of water quality parameters with all accessories , magnetic stirrer with hot plate , electronic balance , micropipette single channel fully autoclavable 0.5-5ml , prestaltic pump , portable dissolved oxygen meter , high volume air sampler , ph meter , turbidity meter , nessler tube , glass test tubes , laboratory hot air oven , thermometer , test tube , petri dish , silica crucible (25ml, 50ml, 100 ml) , desicattor , bod bottle , chloroscope , porcelain dish , measuring cylinder , beaker , filter paper , conical flask , burette , burette stand with rod, clamp & boss head , muffle furnace , cod vials , cod vials stand , pipette , , , digital pipette with elongated tip , conical flask , volumetric flask , core cutter apparatus , pycnometer , apparatus for sand replacement method for in-pace soil density determination , liquid limit device (mechanical method) , measuring cyclinder , , , funnel , funnel , beaker , , , , reagent bottles , spatula , durhams tube , plastic limit set , shrinkage limit set , laboratory permeability apparatus (constant head and falling head) , hydrometer apparatus , i.s. sieves , direct shear apparutus . moterised with 12 speed . as per is : 2720 ( part xiii ) , proctor test apparatus for light compaction , electronic balance , density bottle , sand bath apparatus , non corridible air tight container or can , metre scale , thermometer , glass measuring cyliner , oven , crushing value apparatus , aggregate impact tester , ring and ball apparatus , ductility testing machine with digital temp indicator , thickness gauge , length gauge , , universal penetrometer , balance , flash and fire apparatus , abrasion test by los angels machine , viscosity of bitumen , gi sieve (450 mm dia) , brass sieve (200 mm dia) , float test apparatus , video camera , radar gun (for speed measurement) , marshall apparatus and accessories used for bituminous mix design , , , , , , , , utm
Tender For corrigendum : supply of mining lab equipment for different govt. polytechnic 4 - mining engineering lab equipments 4, field density and void ratio apparatus, liquid limit device, shrinkage limit apparatus, universal testing machine 400kn general type, point load test apparatus, protodykonov strength index apparatus, telescopic closure meter, multipoint borehole extensometer, stress cells, load cells, vibrating wire readout unit, different types of rock bolts
Tender For supply of geotechnical engineering lab - consolidation test set up , plate load test loading assembly , vibrating wire piezometer , laboratory hot air oven , core cutter apparatus , sample mixing tray , vibrating wire soil extensometer sensor , automatic rain gauge system , measuring cylinder , digital ucs apparatus , desiccator vacuum , spilt spoon sampler , electronic weighing machine , sampling tubes , digitization of triaxial direct shear and consolidation test set up , hydrometer apparatus set up along with stirrer , sieve , shrinkage limit test apparatus , spatula , constant head setup for permeability test , sand replacement , porcelain dish , proving ring for triaxial apparatus , proving ring for ucs apparatus , triaxial test apparatus , consolidation ring and mould , cone penetrometer for liquid limit , harvesto with accessories , digital weighing balance , rubber membrane for triaxial test
Tender For procurement of manufacturing items iii - rm.0807 - various control system "t" piece, purging key for various ports of steering gear system, purging cock, distance piece, sounding tapes, orifice of different sizes, lub oil filter stack metallic disc bottom and upper, sampling pot, sounding tape, manipulator lever locking pin, dip tray (light weight), hydraulic key, pressure gauge isolating cocks as per sample., bow spring piston rod as per sample, cover for bow spring plate, fastener for cover for bow spring, bow spring fasteners, bow spring cover plate, pin for bow spring leaf, damper accumulator liquid level trigger stopper, locking key for sdnr valve fitted in cooler inlet and outlet valve, ag purging cocks, lead screw of load testing machine, nr valve fitted in hand pump discharge line, hydraulic keeps foundation, stanchion top cover plate for securing of wire sling as per sample, stand for manufacturing of wire rope, melting pots as per sample, suction line for portable hand pump of drums, limit switch trigger with shaft assembly, split pins, wooden chokes used for arresting gear receiving cable support during socket assembling, tdac lub oil filter body manufacturing as per sample, pressure gauge isolating cocks view damaged as per sample., control slide valve filter as per sample, lp steam inlet connector, lp steam pressure assembly with gauge, pressure gauge end fittings, aww main fitter qty- 4 and fcbt aww fitter as per sample., fcbt comparator fitter as per sample., lub oil fiter elements tbu, tdfl and fcbt as per sample., pumps impellers (cooling water pump, working water pump, feed transfer pp) as per sample. qty- 15, mat-, gauge glass glass as per sample. qty- 16, pump spares including keys wear rings sleeves (working water pump, feed transfer pump, cooling water pump) as per sample. qty-02 each., hoses end fittings (rcp system, plummer block, working water, feed tansfer, lub oil system) as per sample/ instructions. qty-02 each, fuel/ rcp/ lub oil/ ww/ filter and filter housing (filter body) as per sample. qty-, valves wheels of different sizes as per sample/ instructions. qty-05 each, tbu lock in relay diaphragm as per sample. qty- 10, boiler sampling reducer as per sample. qty-04, tdfl -3 & 4 l/o sump sight glass as per sample. qty-04, fasteners box with partition as per instruction/drawing. qty-01, collector tray as per sample/drawing. qty-05, plummer block dip stick
Tender For procurement of geological and geo-technical instruments - geotechnical field/ lab basic tools, digital cone penetrometer -ref. standards is 4968-1976, point load machine with digital load gauge manual / hand operated- ref. standards is:8764 (1998), sieve shaker with sieves - ref. standards is: 460-1985 (part i), soil permeability apparatus (constant head and falling head)- ref. standards is:2720 part-xvii-1993, digital weighing balance (measure up to 50kg ), digital weighing balance (measure up to 10 kg), digital weighing balance (measure up to 500 gm), hot air oven, proctor test apparatus- ref. standards is:2720 part vii & viii 1983, rapid moisture meter- ref. standards is:12175-1987, casagrande apparatus (liquid limit device) hand operated- ref. standards is: 2720 (part-v) bs 1377-2, astm d 4318, desiccator- ref. standards is:6128-1971, pycnometer- ref. standards is: 2720 part iii (1980), direct shear apparatus ((computerized) with anaysis software)- ref. standards is 2720 (part-13) 1986, n type rock schmidt hammer (swiss make, original), l type rock schmidt hammer (swiss make, original), geological field/ lab basic tools, geological hammer, profilometer (barton comb), handheld g.p.s