Tender For licensing out built up chemist shop no. 5, new shopping complex for sale of medicines, drugs, vaccines and surgical items at pgimer, sector 12, chandigarh
Tender For licensing out built up chemist shop no. 6, new shopping complex for sale of medicines, drugs, vaccines and surgical items at pgimer, sector 12, chandigarh
Tender For auction sale of scrap weighable materials consisting of following 2 items,m s scrap mss-13,scrapped cylinder liner,aluminium scrap,scrap glasses any size with or without broken,scrapped thermal plastic roll,scrapped rexine,m s scrap mss-19,scrapped countable items consisting of 4 types,scrapped crank shaft,scrapped countable items consisting of 5 types,scrapped old papers (raddi),scrapped countable materials consisting of 5 types,scrapped countable materials consisting of 12 types,scrapped counatable materials consisting of 7 types,scrapped countable materials consisting of 7 types,scrapped counatable materials consisting of 6 types,scrapped countable items consisting of 9 types,scrapped engine dismentling items,scrapped valve spring tc/ll,scrapped dismentling item,scrapped automiser,scrapped floring wood,scrapped countable materials consisting of 4 types,scrpped work shop sweeping,m.s scrap,scrpped domestic vehicle tyres,scrapped plywood pieces