Tender For supply of boq184 - general instrumentation set for fracture reduction , set for hip replacemnet , set for knee replacement , fixation sets , small fragment and large fragment , external fixator , portable xray machine , arthoscope set with instruments , multimedia projector , plaster room equipment_sets_with table , physiotherapy and coccuptation therapy equipment sets , movie camera for demonstration of live oerpations , electric plaster cutter , reflex hammer , measure tape , goniometer , pneumatic torniquet , hyfrecator_electrosurgical instrument , cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen_cryogun_cryocan_ , iontophoresis machine , light microscope , giemsa stain , koh smear , woods lamp , multimedia projector , laser , 300ma xray machine , 800ma flouroscopy , 100ma xray machine , ultrasonography equipment , mammography , multimedia projector with screen , resuscitation kit , dr systems 1000 ma
Tender For supply of implants and instruments for ortho surgery - imil nails tibia with screw 9mm , imil nails tibia with screw 10mm , imil nails tibia with interlocking screw size 30mm , imil nails tibia with interlocking screw size 32mm , imil nails tibia with interlocking screw size 34mm , imil nails tibia with interlocking screw size 36mm , distal radius ellis locking plate , distal radius locking screw , proximal tibia butterss non locking plate , proximal tibia lateral locking plate hockey plate , fibula locking plate , enders nails with accessories , distal tibia locking plate with locking screw , anatomical clavicle locking plate with locking , imil femur nails 9mm with cortical interlocking , imil femur nails 10mm with cortical interlocking , proximal femural nails right , proximal femural nails right and left pfn , proximal femural screw , rush nails , distal femur locking plate with locking , short pfn universal 135 degree angled , short pfn universal lag screw , short pfn universal compression , radius and ulna locking plate with cortical , long bone spikes leavers 8mm and 10mm , bone holding reduction forceps , bone holding reduction serrated speed lock , pointed reduction serrated forceps , k wire bender 170mm and 200mm , t handle with ss chuck and key , drill bits cannulated and non cannulated , k wires ortho , tube to tube clamps for external fixator
Tender For open tender enquiry for orthopedic emergency trauma implants - stainless steel steinman pin & denham pin set (md 9 cdsco certified), steinman pin 4.5 mm, various length, steinman pin 3.5 mm, various length, denhams pin 4.5 mm, various length, stainless steel external small fixator set (md 9 cdsco certified), small clamp 4 x 2.5 mm for 2.5 & 2.0 mm pins, small clamp 4 x 4 mm for 3.5 mm pins, distraction / compression assembly for fractures of distal radius / wrist joint (popularly called as jess/orthofix for distal radius), connecting rod dia. 4mm, l = 100/150/200 mm & its tube to tube clamp, schanz pin dia. 3.5 mm, l = 100/125 mm, schanx pin dia. 2.5 mm, l = 100 mm, schanz pin dia. 2.0 mm, l = 75 mm, stainless steel tubular fixator set (md 9 cdsco certified), single pin clamp, double pin clamp, transverse clamp, tube to tube clamp, tubular rod, l = 100,125,150, 200,250,300, 350,400mm, schanz screw dia. 4.0 mm x 150 mm, cortical schanz screw dia. 4.5 mm, cancellous schanz screw dia.5.0mm, titanium hand & foot plate & screws (md 9 cdsco certified), hand/foot plates, mini plate 2.0mm, l-plates 2.0 mm, dynamic compression plates (dcp), 2.7 mm, cortical screws dia: 1.5mm, cortical screws dia: 2.0mm, cortical screws dia: 2.7mm, titanium femoral nails pyriformis entry (md 9 cdsco certified), femoral nail any diameter, any length with 4 transverse locking bolts, end cap, titanium femoral nails g.t. entry (md 9 cdsco certified), femoral nail any diameter, any length with 4 transverse locking bolts, end cap, titanium femur reconstruction nails pyriformis entry (md 9 cdsco certified), femur reconstruction nail pyriformis entry any diameter, any length with 2 reconstruction screw in neck & 2 transverse distal locking bolts, end cap, titanium femur reconstruction nails g.t. entry (md 9 cdsco certified), femur reconstruction nail g.t. entry any diameter, any length with 2 reconstruction screw in neck & 2 transverse distal locking bolts, end cap, stainless steel dhs , dcs, double angled dcs set (md 9 cdsco certified), a. femoral plates & screws, dhs std. barrel plates 135 with dc holes, dcs barrel plates 95 with dc holes, double angle dcs with dc holes, i. dhs / dcs lac screws, ii. cortical screws, cortical screws dia: 3.5mm, cortical screw dia: 4.5mm any length, cancellous screw 6 mm fully threaded any length, 4.5 broad combihole plate for femur, locking screw for 4.5 broad combihole plate, stainless steel tbw set (md 9 cdsco certified), cerclage wires, cerclage wire coil, various size, various length., cerclage wire with eye , various size, various length, k-wires various sizes, various lengths, monorail set (including paeds.) (md 9 cdsco certified), monorail tapered schanz pin any diameter & any length including paediatric use, rail - any length including paediatric use, central clamp., end clamp., ball & socket clamp standard., t ball & socket clamp., standard cd unit any length all sizes, t clamp, sandwich plate with bolt, graduated sweivel unit, titanium 3.5 reconstruction plate set (md 9 cdsco certified), one 3.5 straight reconstruction plate various lengths, one 3.5 curved reconstruction plate various lengths, one 3.5 cortical screw various lengths, one 4.0 cancellous screw various lengths, stainless steel 3.5 reconstruction plate set (md 9 cdsco certified), one 3.5 straight reconstruction plate various lengths, one 3.5 curved reconstruction plate various lengths, one 3.5 cortical screw various lengths, one 4.0 cancellous screw various lengths, stainless steel ilizarov set (md 9 cdsco certified), llizorov 1/2 ring any diameter (for femur, tibia, humerus, forearm, hand & foot) - ten, llizarov 5/8 ring any diameter - two, connecting rods of any size - four, nuts (including all modification of the nuts) ten, bolts (including all modification of the bolts) ten, posts (including all modification of the posts) six, washer (including all modification of the washer) - ten, ilizarov long wires a