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Information Security Management System Tenders

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Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :39004279 Due date: 05 Feb, 202505 Feb, 2025 NA
Tender For corrigendum : providing of custom bid for services - hiring of consultant for assisting in review of risk management system of eil

CTN :39011257 Due date: 08 Feb, 202508 Feb, 2025 1.38 Crore
Tender For supply of books - biomineralization , biological invasions in changing ecosystems volume 3 , gene prediction applying ontology and machine learning volume iii , genetically engineered organisms environmental and economic risk assessment , natural products in chemical biology , butterfly wing patterns and mimicry , behavioral ecology of primates , animal reproduction handbook , invertebrate zoology an introduction , mammalogy , handbook of endangered species , encyclopedia of entomology volume iii , becoming a professional makeup artist , the essential guide for becoming a chef , becoming a personal assistant a complete career guide , essentials of inventory management , customer relationship management , handbook of tourism and travel behavior , tourism hotel management and hospitality , encyclopedia of tourism industrial strategies , handbook of geotourism and geoheritage , nuclear tourism , emerging trends in tourist destination management , leisure and tourism economics , refugees and migrants international affairs , human rights and the international law of military operations , public administration concepts and practices in switzerland , sociocultural heritage of russia an ethnography case study , social exclusion a comprehensive study of older people , gendered crossings women and migration , the psychology of peace global perspectives on children and adolescents , psychology of shame interdisciplinary perspectives , subjectivity theory and practice , introduction to health psychology , neuroscience and behavioral health , psychology the science of mind and behavior , global civil society issues challenges and solutions , united nations peace operations , the role of digital tools and technologies in european democracy , portuguese emigration , political science from theory to practice , european citizenship , constitutionalism and democratic governance a global overview , handbook of political psychology , fundamentals of acoustics volume 2 , quantum dynamics from theory to applications , relativity the special and the general theory , fundamentals of acoustics volume 1 , encyclopedia of quantum mechanics volume 3 selected applications , handbook of acoustic emission , handbook of engineering heat transfer , microgravity a new tool for space experiments , advances in mathematical physics , physical education and sport , sport and exercise psychology , physical education and sport a psychological perspective , essentials of exercise and sports medicine , psychological aspects of physical education and sport , philosophy elements and theories , understanding world religions , hinduism traditions and divinity , introduction to mythology , drug discovery research a comprehensive overview , resistance diagnostic and therapeutic applications of drugs in cancer , drug delivery science and technology , brain function augmentation brainmachine interfaces , breast cancer innovations in research and management , cardiovascular system physiology and disease mechanisms , clinical gastrointestinal endoscopy , colorectal cancer diagnosis and clinical management , computational modeling of the human body and brain , current research in brain function augmentation , current research in herbal medicine , new insights into tribology , composite materials for aircraft structures , the metrology handbook , concepts and applications of thermal engineering , recent advancements in space flight , textbook of mechanical engineering , international arbitration law and practice , disability law and policy , understanding gender crime and justice , emerging issues in sustainable development international law and policy , cybercrime and digital forensics , a study of grammatical gender , posthumanist themes in graphic novels , understanding turkish american literature , information structuring from a crosslinguistic perspective , media and communication techniques and technologies , media and mass communication in a digital age , astronomy and cos
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