Tender For supply of instrument trolley , battery , mosquito artery curved small size , mosquito artery straight small size , scissors mayo , straight scissors , niddle holder small, medium and large each 04 , bone lever small, medium and large each 04 , bone holding small, medium and large each 02 , periosteum elevator medium and large each 02 , kidney tray , wire cutter small and medium , malliable wire 18 ,20,and 22 no. , tray ss small, medium and large each 04 , screw driver small, medium and large each 05 , plier , tooth forceps small, medium and large each 10 , neonatal flow sensor for bellavista ventilor , clip box 400 , clip box 300 , bipolar maryland type , reducer 10 mm , reducer 5 mm , gall bladder resecher , vesil seelar , l-huck , stone removal , knot-pusher , non-tooth grasper , tooth grasper , spatula , bipolar cable
Tender For supply of multipara monitor - multipara monitors , transport monitor module with fully touch screen five point five inches or more , central monitoring for sixteen patient monitors viewer complete set , network printer , wired networking with patient monitors , ecg five by six lead set cable , ecg extension trunk cord , reusable spotwo probes for pediatrics , reusable spotwo probes for adult , reusable spotwo probes for neonatal , spotwo connection cord , nibp air hose adult , nibp air hose for neonatal , disposable nibp cuff of different size neonatal infant child adult large adult six each , reusable nibp cuff pead size two nos of different sizes neonatal infant child with each monitor , reusable nibp cuff adult reusable cuff four nos of different sizes adult and large adult with each monitor , temperatures probes esophageal , temperatures probes skin , etcotwo mainstream or micro stream sensor four modules only with complete set , sampling line or disposable airway adapter for intubated patients with four monitors , sampling line or disposable airway adapter for non intibated patient with four monitors , reusable ibp cable , disposable ibp transducer , rechargeable battery pack , wall mount , cmc for first year , cmc for second year , cmc for third year , cmc for forth year , cmc for fifth year