Tender For bid to ras supply of boq184 - general instrumentation set for fracture reduction , set for hip replacemnet , set for knee replacement , fixation sets , small fragment and large fragment , external fixator , portable xray machine , arthoscope set with instruments , multimedia projector , plaster room equipment_sets_with table , physiotherapy and coccuptation therapy equipment sets , movie camera for demonstration of live oerpations , electric plaster cutter , reflex hammer , measure tape , goniometer , pneumatic torniquet , hyfrecator_electrosurgical instrument , cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen_cryogun_cryocan_ , iontophoresis machine , light microscope , giemsa stain , koh smear , woods lamp , multimedia projector , laser , 300ma xray machine , 800ma flouroscopy , 100ma xray machine , ultrasonography equipment , mammography , multimedia projector with screen , resuscitation kit , dr systems 1000 ma
Tender For design, supply, fabrication, erection and commissioning of fully automatic equipment for mega oil packing station of capacity 200tpd expandable to 300tpd encompassing gmp, automation, instrumentation and hygiene along with modern set up on turnkey job basis at shivarampally, rajendranagar, rangareddy (dist), telangana state.
Tender For unicondylar knee replacement implant with 40 gms antibiotic bone cement u nicondylar knee replacement implant with 40 grams antibiotic cement specification - 1. should supply a ll implants and instrumentation at the time of surgery. 2. should provide mobile tibial bearing platform. 3. set of 1 tibial platform, femur component, insert and cement. 4. should supply antibiotic cement alo ng with all implants of various sizes at the time of surgery. 5.firm should attached the quality assuranc e certificate while participating in the tender. [quantity tolerance (+/-): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitted: max 8 lacs ]
Tender For unicondylar knee replacement implant with 40 gms antibiotic bone cemnet s pecifications 1. should supply all implants and instrumentation at the time of surgry 2. should provide mobile tibial bearing platform 3. set of on etibial platform, femur comp onent, insert and cement 4. firm should be reputed with long term market standing of atleast 10 years 5. should supply antibiotic cement along with all implants of various s izes at the time of surgery 6.bis /european ce/us fda approved and cerificates to be atta ched ]
Tender For supply, installation, testing and commissioning of chlorine leak absorption system, supply & fixing of shed for existing diesel generator set and other electrical mechanical & instrumentation work as a part of revamping work of khanpur wtp of vmc
Tender For twin fix titanium 5.0 suture anchor with two plate ultra suture and needle . specification: twin fix titanium/ all suture 5mm anchor with two plate ultra suture , 1. should supply complete set of implants and instrumentation required for surgery on o peration day. 2. should be mri compatible. 3. should be sterile packed. 4. above are the minimum required specifications anything higher will be accepted. [quantity tolerance (+/-): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitt ed: max 8 lacs ]