Tender For annual rate contract of replacement of existing wiremesh on ventilators, m.s. iron ladders and copper flot at ohsr, cwr, glr for sub division kotkhawada
Tender For bid to ras supply of five pin socket 5 oblique 6 amp - supply of five pin socket 5 oblic 6 amp comma makehavells oblic anchor oblic bajaj at ge ep jodhpur , switchsocket comb 5 amp and 15 oblic 16 amp comma makehavells oblic anchor oblic bajaj , insulation tape 20 mtr widepvc make steelgrip , ceiling fan capacitor 2 pont 5mfd ,spn 20 amp make havells oblic anchor oblic bajaj obliccrompton , three plug top 5amp oblic 6amp make anchor ,three plug top 15amp oblic 16amp make anchor , tubelight led 20wt oblic 22wt fitting make havells obliccrompton oblic polycab oblic bajaj , mcb 6 amp sp makehavells oblic anchor oblic bajaj oblic crompton , mcb 16amp sp make havells oblic polycab oblic bajaj , mcb 10 ampsp make havells oblic anchor oblic bajaj oblic crompton ,cable pvc copper single core size 1 point 5 sqmm make havells oblic finolex oblic polycab oblic bajaj , cable pvccopper single core size 1 point 0 sqmm make havells oblicfinolex oblic polycab oblic bajaj , cable pvc copper singlecore size 2 point 5 sqmm make havells oblic finolex oblicpolycab oblic bajaj , cable pvc copper 2 core size 2 point 5sqmm make havells oblic finolex oblic polycab oblic bajaj ,cooling pad for desert cooler big as per smple , cooling padfor desert cooler med as per smple , ms wiremesh suitablefor med and big desert cooler as per smple , desert coolerfan motor capecity 250 watt make havells oblic anchor oblicbajaj oblic crompton , desert cooler medium size gauge 20hypan 22 with remote control as per smple , sub pump fordesert cooler big 40 watt comma 3900 l oblic h , sub pumpfor desert cooler med
Tender For supply of security fence - cement opc 43 grade packed in hdpc bag each 50 kg wt , coarse aggregate 40mm graded , coarse sand free from vegetation , angle iron 75x75x6mm thick 2600mm , angle iron 50x50x6mm thick , chain link fencing single dip 75mmx75mm mesh , galvanised steel barbed wire , mild steel bars of size 10 mm and above dia , ms flat iron 40x5mm thick , ms nut and bolt of length 100 mm fully thread suitable for 10 mm dia nuts and washers , synthetic paint enamelled og , anti corrosive red oxide zinc chromate primer , thinner , painting brush 4 inch , painting brush 3 inch , medium weight beam depth of beam 175mm width of flange 85mm , medium weight beam depth of beam 125mm width of flange 70mm , door of size 1.20 m x 1.80 m. , gate size 3.0 mx 2.0m double leaf
Tender For supply of lok nirman samagri for f.y. 2025-26-cement opca cement ppca sand khajuraho sand gold pottery local brick a chimney brick allahabadi a chimney brick 20g10g20kg a stone roca 20g20g10g a ballast 40 mm cracker ballast 20mm craer ballast 12mm cracker ballast 06 mm cracker stone dust hard copper clay stone slab 20 mm stone slab 30 mm stone slab 40 mm stone dasa 100 mm stringing - column beam etc. iron / ply a stringing - roofing iron / ply a stringing - roofing wood tensile bar 10 mm. dia tensile bar 12 mm. dia a tensile rebar 16 mm. dia a tensile rebar 20 mm. dia a winding wire, mesh jaali (tpm 25x25mm) brampad spacing, fencing wire (6 mm in.) m.s. grill & jaali, iron doors & windows complete, lime, white cement, distemper, wall etc. for painting, red oxide, material made of iron for painting, warna, material made of wood for painting, paint emelon i.s.s., s.s.d. ion delex a wire pin oil, concrete pole 0.1x 0.1 x 1.5m a concrete pole 0.1x 0.1 x 0.6m a concrete pole 0.1x 0.1 x 1.8m a 300 mm dia cement concrete pipe np4 (s2.5d), 450 mm dia cement concrete pipe np4 (s2.5d), 900 mm dia cement concrete pipe np4 (s2.5d), 1200 mm dia cement concrete pipe np4 (s2.5d), 600 mm dia cement concrete pipe mh4 (2.50mm), 300mm cement concrete pipe mh3 (2.50mm), 450mm cement concrete pipe mh3 (2.50mm), 600mm cement concrete pipe mh3 (2.50mm), painting brush 2 inch, painting brush 4 inch, plastic bucket good quality 5 litre, acrylic plastic sheet tensile strength (3mm jpg), profile sheet (0.50mm jpg), paver block (80mm x 100mm), wall putty
Tender For material supply for construction of solid waste disposal unit of basarihal village - ilarbroken stone aggregate 40 mm size, ilarbroken stone aggregate 20 mm size, ilarbroken stone aggregate 12 mm to 10 mm size, ilarcoarse sand zone iii, ilarportland cement, ilarmier concrete 1 cum capacity, ilaradd watering charges at 1 on rial, ilarplasticizer super plasticizer, ilarhom of vibrator 0 71 days, ilarsilver oak or equivalent planks 38 mm thick, ilarcasurina poles 100 150 mm, ilaradd handling loading and unloading at 2 on rial, ilargranitetrap broken metal 100 mm and down size, ilarsize stone 20 20 25 cms, ilarbond stone 20 20 45 cm, ilarboulders, ilarmier concrete small used in culvert, ilarmason class i with tools, ilarmason class ii with tools, ilarstone chistler class ii, ilarjungle wood runners and planks, ilartmt bars fe 500, ilarbinding wire, ilarburnt bricks class 35 non modular, ilarmathinandi wood planks for panels 25 mm thick, ilaradd cutting and other wastage 5, ilarmathinandi wood scantling, ilarunit cost as per the specification, ilaradd providing and removing scaffolding at 3 on labour, ilarweld mesh 75 25 mm of 6g to 10g, ilarms angle iron 50mm 50mm 6mm 33.8 mtr in length at 4 5 kg per mtr, ilarms angle iron 40mm 40mm 6mm 23 mtr in length at 3 5 kg per mtr, ilargusset plates 6 mm thick, ilarbase plate base plate, ilaranchor bolts 750mm, ilarcorbon electrodes, ilarwelder grade i, ilarhom of welding and grinding machine, ilaradd, ilarhom of cutting and grinding machine, ilarready mi primer paint ready mi red lead paint, ilarpainter class i, ilarenamel metal paint, ilartools & plants and electrical charges 2, ilarrcc cap 1000 mm dia 100 mm thick, ilarcost of 6 5mm ms coil, ilarfabrication charges, ilartransportation charges of rials beyond 5 km 10, ilarlabour charges for handing errection of rcc rings etc 5, ilarpvc pipe of 4kgcum110 mm, ilargravel 2.36 mmmurrum, ilartractor 40 hp, ilarindian type water closet of size 580 mm of specified make with footrests, ilar100mm s or p trap, ilarchlorinated polyvinyl chloride cpvc pipe 25 mm outer dia, ilar50 mm dia ms hollow pipe b class 14 gauge, ilar16 16 mm ms square rod, ilar36 mm 6mm ms plates, ilar40 6 mm ms plates, ilarcast iron spike, ilarball bearing hinges heavy duty, ilaranticorrosive bituminous paint black, ilarmechanic class iimechanic hmp grade ieme grade, ilarhom of cutting and grinding machine 1, ilarpolyenthylene water storage tank of specified capacity l
Tender For construction of type iii 6 nos g plus 2 and type v 3 nos g plus 1 quarters at itbp btc campus bhanu distt panchkula haryana sh providing and fixing wiremesh door shutters and ms grill in windows recoverable from ms jagraj suppliers and services under agreement no 19 ee chd ii 2021 22
Tender For corrigendum : slwm bannikoppa - stdtransportation loading and unloading 1 on material, stdtools and plants 2 on material, stdhom of cutting and grinding machine - 1, stdmechanic class ii mechanic hmp grade i/eme grade, stdanticorrosive bituminous paint (black), stdball bearing hinges heavy duty, stdcast iron spike, std40 x 6 mm ms plates, std36 mm x 6mm ms plates, std16 x 16 mm ms square rod, std50 mm dia ms hollow pipe b class 14 gauge, stdadd white lead paint, gasket, cement, sand for making good the wall and floor at 2 on material, std100mm s or p trap, stdindian type water closet of size 580 mm of specified make with footrests, stddpvc pipe of 10kgcum140 mm, stdfabrication charges., stdcost of 6.5mm m.s. coil, stdtransportation charges of materials beyond 5 km 10, stdrcc cap 1000 mm dia, 100 mm thick, stdadd brush, putty, sand paper, roller at 5 on cost of paint, stdenamel paint, stdunit cost as per the specification, stdtools & plants and electrical charges 2, stdadd brush at 1 on cost of paint, stdenamel metal paint, stdhom of cutting and grinding machine, stdhom of welding and grinding machine, stdcorbon electrodes, stdanchor bolts 750mm, stdbase plate base plate, stdgusset plates 6 mm thick, stddms angle iron 40mm 40mm , stdms angle iron 50mm x 50mm x 6mm, 33.8 metre in length at 4.5 kg per metre, stdweld mesh 75 x 25 mm of 6g to 10g, stdadd brush, putty, sand paper at 2 on cost of paint, stdwater proofing cement paint, stdadd brush, putty, glue at 5 on cost of paint, stdwhitening, stddry distemper, stdbroken granite metal 10 mm, stdbroken granite metal 12.5 mm, stdmathi/nandi wood scantling, stdhom of machinaries for planing, stdadd cutting and other wastage 5, stdmathi nandi wood planks for panels 25 mm thick, stdadd providing and removing scaffolding at 3 on labour, stdpainter class i, stdadd wire brush, fine steel wool, putty, sand paper, at 3 on cost of paint, stdready mix primer paint (ready mix red lead paint), stdadd, stdwelder grade i, stdfitter class i, stdz section, stdreeded glass 2 mm thick, stdtw beading for fixing glass, stdstays, stdhinges 5 heavy duty, stdhandles, stdms clamps, stdmullion section, stdt section, stdadd handling , loading and unloading at 1 on material, stdburnt bricks class 35 (non modular), stdbinding wire, stdtmt bars fe 500, stdadd watering charges at 1 on labour, stdstone chistler class ii, stdmason class ii (with tools), stdmason class i (with tools), stdmixer (concrete small used in culvert), stdboulders, stdbond stone 20 x 20 x 45 cm, stdsize stone 20 x 20 x 25 cms, stdhom of vibrator 0.71 days, stdplasticizer super plasticizer, stdcasurina poles 100 - 150 mm, stdadd handling , loading and unloading at 2 on material, stdcasurina poles 75 - 100 mm dia, stdjungle wood runners and planks, stdsilver oak or equivalent planks 38 mm thick, stdadd watering charges at 1 on material, stdmixer (concrete) - 1 cum capacity, stdportland cement, stdcoarse sand (zone iii-bnk, stdbroken stone aggregate 12 mm to 10 mm size, stdbroken stone aggregate 20 mm size, stdbroken stone aggregate 40 mm size
Tender For corrigendum : supply of material for kalagatta nagenahalli gp - stonechistlerclass11, rubblestones2, driller, drilling equipment, nghmixer concrete small used in culvert, nghcoarse sand zone 3, nghmixer concrete 1 cum capacity, nghbroken stone aggregate 40 mm size, nghbroken stone aggregate 20 mm size, nghbroken stone aggregate 12 mm to 10 mm size, nghboulders, nghbond stone 20 x 20 x 45 cm, nghportland cement, size stone 20 x 20 x 25 cms, nghmason class 1 with tools, nghmason class 2 with tools, nghwiremesh 50mm x 50mm, ngh20 mm dia hold fast rod, ngh60 x 60 x 10 guage sq. plate washer, ngh15 mm bolt, ngh m.s. angles 65 x 65 x 6 mm 34.7 kgs, nghpainter class i, nghhom of vibrator 0.71 days, nghfitter class 1, nghtmt bars fe 500, nghgopi powder, nghcasurina poles 100 150 mm, nghburnt lime shell lime, nghaluminium paint, nghbinding wire, nghplasticizer super plasticizer, burnt brick ngh21
Tender For tender for supply of cement opc 43 grade packed in hdpe bag each 50 kg wt conforming to is 8112-1989 make-birla gold , ambuja , ultratech , acc , jk , dalmiya under job no 2503 op bc bkr as per store list attached , coarse sand free from vegetation , coarse aggregate 20mm graded , coarse aggregate 40 mm graded , coarse aggregate 63-90 mm graded , stone for rr masonary less than 6 inch , mild steel bars of size 8mm dia conforming to is 432 part i 1982 make-tata , sail , jsw , mild steel bars of size 10 mm and above dia conforming to is 432 part i 1982 make-tata , sail , jsw , mild steel bars of size 12 mm and above dia conforming to is 432 part i 1982 make-tata , sail , jsw , mild steel bars of size 16 mm and above dia conforming to is 432 part i 1982 make-tata , sail , jsw , ms binding wire , wooden planks for shuttering iind class wood of size 3.0 x 0.30 x 0.026m , wooden scantling various sizes , wooden log for props of size 3.2 mtr long 100mm dia. , app based polymeric membrane minimum weighing 3kg oblique sqm and minimum 3mm thick reinforced with polyster non wove fabric wt.as per store list att , priming surfaces and applying bitumen as a primer in base of app membrane , ms frame work for roof trusses , purlin , rafter and ms plate etc all as directed make-tata , sail , jsw for ms rhs of size 80x40x3.2 , ms frame work for roof trusses , purlin , rafter and ms plate etc all as directed make-tata , sail , jsw for ms rhs of size 50x25x2.9 , ms frame work for roof trusses , purlin , rafter and ms plate etc all as directed make-tata , sail , jsw for ms rhs of size 96x48x3.2 , ms frame work for roof trusses , purlin , rafter and ms plate etc all as directed make-tata , sail , jsw for ms plate of size 8mm thick , ms frame work for roof trusses , purlin , rafter and ms plate etc all as directed make-tata , sail , jsw for ms plate of size 10mm thick , ms frame work for roof trusses , purlin , rafter and ms plate etc all as directed make-tata , sail , jsw for ms plate of size 12mm thick , ms frame work for roof trusses , purlin , rafter and ms plate etc all as directed make-tata , sail , jsw for ms angle of size 40x40x6 for cleat , ms nuts and bolts of length 100mm fully thread suitable for 10 mm dia nuts including two numbers of washers and 25mm of shank and two nos of washers 3 mm thick complete all as directed. , ms flat iron 40x5mm thick for wind tie make-tata , sail , jsw , iron welding rod confirming to is 814-2002 isi marked 3.15mm thick 100 nos pkt , water proofing compoundconfirming to is 2645-2003 make-pidilite , dr fixit , fevicol , quick setting compound make-pidilite , fevicol , quick fix , cement based paint snowcem make-berger , asian , nerolac , oil bound distemper washable quality of proprietary brand of make-nerolac , berger , asian , birla white wall care putty water resistant white cement make-nerolac , berger , asian , ppgi roofing sheet 10 feet x 3 feet long and thickness 0.63 mm with grard film the ppgi sheet shall have minium coating of 4-5 micron epoxy primer specification as per store list att , pre painted galvatume aluminium zinc coating gi based plain steel sheet 0.50 mm thick an colour having a tensile strength 550 mpa make-uniix , jindal mectec or eqv brand , synthetic paint enamelled og colour confirming to is 5-2004 make-berger , asian , nerolac , painting brush 4 inch isi marked , nails various size , self taping steel screw half thread with rawl plug of 1 1 oblique 2 inch size isi marked 100 nos oblique pkt , anodised aluminium door 1000 mm x2100 double shutter with frame including all fittings and as directed make-jindal , hindalco aluminium section weighing 0.55 kg oblique mtr. , anodised aluminium window triple track 2 track glass and 1 track wiremesh with frame make-jindal , hindalco aluminium as per store list att , anodised aluminium ventilator 1200x600 mm fixed type with glass 4mm thick thick including all fittings and as directed make-jindal , hindalco aluminium section weighing 0.55 kg o