Tender For outsourcing of 1 no. computer / data entry operator (typing works) in ee/tlc/dharmapuri division, o/o. the se/gcc/salem on need basis through works contract for the period of one year from the date of commencement.
Tender For outsourcing of 1 no. computer / data entry operator (typing works) in accounts section/ central office, o/o. the se/gcc/salem on need basis through works contract for the period of one year from the date of commencement.
Tender For outsourcing of 1 no. computer / data entry operator (typing works) in ee/epe/dharmapuri division, o/o. the se/gcc/salem on need basis through works contract for the period of one year from the date of commencement.
Tender For outsourcing of 1 no. computer / data entry operator (typing works) in ee/tlc/salem division, o/o. the se/gcc/salem on need basis through works contract for the period of one year from the date of commencement.
Tender For outsourcing of 1 no. computer / data entry operator (typing works) in ee/epe/salem division, o/o. the se/gcc/salem on need basis through works contract for the period of one year from the date of commencement.