Tender For providing of custom bid for services - carrying out internal cleaning testing painting inspection along with design supply installation commissioning of cathodic protection system for 3 nos fire water tanks
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - short range ultrasonic testing srut inspection of inservice tank annular bottom plates and inservice pipelines at support and dyke crossing locations at mathura refinery
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - pde3s24343 testing and trial of 56km001b 7926 kw ht synchronous motor by oem msnidecasi spa at iec works at baroda
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - e074 during pressure testing of stbd gear box cooler 26 nos tubes cuni tubes found damaged punctured new tube stack to be fabricated as per sample and pressure testing of complete cooler to be carried out upto 2 bar in way j..
Tender For bid to ras providing of custom bid for services - unloading receipt handling storage placement on plinth erection testing commissioning and handing over of 7 nos 500 mva 40022033 kv 3phase auto transformers at ms pgcil ananthpuram substation
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : providing of custom bid for services - material handling at site stores storage yard transportation to the site preassy erection installation testing and commissioning for 750 kwp roof top solar rts at 2x 660 mw tangedco udangudi thermal power
Tender For bid to ras providing of custom bid for services - custom bid for material handling material security erection testing and commissioning of 1500 kwp rts project indent on different buildings of uprvunl panki site