Tender For supply of trans-receiver vhf handheld walkie talkie set 1w/5w (tuned for rated power of 5 w att) synthesizes without keypad and without display with minimum 2300mah nimh/li- ion battery pack (ba ttery should be radio oem recommended and bis approved) configuration vh-3 band 136-174 mhz full ban d along with one spare battery pack of same capacity, compatible rapid charger (radio oem recommended and bis approved), antenna and suitable belt clip also 20% battery , charger and 20% antennas as spare t o be supplied in addition, in complete box packing. the oems overall warranty period should be for 30 mon ths from the date of supply for the radio set and minimum 1 year for the battery, battery charger and ante nna. make/model: convey c-1dp inspection agency- consignee. note- it is mandatory that the above com munication system is capable of functioning effectively over a minimum distance of 1500 meters, specifically for the purpose of communication between the guard and the driver of long haul trains from in side the cab. make/brand: convey c-1dp ( warranty period : upto 30 months from the date of supply). 01 s ample to be approved before bulk supply [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]